
Why is a legume important to the enviornment?

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what's so special about a legume?




  1. Do you like peas, beans, or peanuts? How about peanut butter? Of course you can eat the majority of them that I am aware of.

    Also, you have to look at the nitrogen fixing ability that it has - helping to replenish the soil after prior crops have depleted it from the soil - note that most fertilizers have - Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (a.k.a. potash) - The three macronutrients and the three elements.

    From wikipedia:

    A legume is a plant in the family Fabaceae (or Leguminosae), or a fruit of these plants. A legume fruit is a simple dry fruit that develops from a simple carpel and usually dehisces (opens along a seam) on two sides. A common name for this type of fruit is a "pod", although pod is also applied to a few other fruit types, such as vanilla. Well-known legumes include alfalfa, clover, peas, beans, lentils, lupins, and peanuts.

  2. idk.. vegetarians get protein from them!?

  3. its all part of the circle of life friend

  4. Beans , beans the musical fruit,

    the more you eat the more you toot

    the more you toot the better you feel

    so lets eat legumes for every meal......

    They are also a crop that takes less fertalizers to grow and removes less nutrients from the soil. Plus get a lot of food product for what you put into it.

  5. For one thing i know it fixes the nitrogen in the soil. so i guess if you farmed for a living you could cut down on some costs by growing it

    but i don't know of anything else they do

  6. legume are fruits of leguminous plant like beans which have nitrogen fixing bacteria called rizhobium.LEGUMINOUS PLANT ARE OFTEN GROWN IN FIELD AS A SUBSTITUTE CROPS WHICH MAINTAIN THE NITROGEN LEVEL IN THE SOIL  

  7. peanuts are legumes and they are planted to replenish soil I think

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