
Why is a little 7 year old acting like she is 12?

by  |  earlier

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my little cousin is 7, she is a tottal bitc* somtimes (not trying to being mean).

she tells me to shut up, she loves to smack my 3 year old brother when he gets on her nerves, she always is in my buisness, she loves to aurgue!

i feel so bad b/c i think this is my fault that she grew up acting like she's 12.

when she was younger i used to tach things she should know untill she was 20!

and i used to tell her to shut up or to do what i said.

but i was so much younger and i was being an idiot!

now she loves to watch porno on hbo tv and i think it's all my fault!

but is it my fault or is she acting her age??

what should i do to make her act her own age??

should i just stay out of her life??


i feel terrible




  1. Monkey see, monkey do.  But, a child that age needs her parent to also tell her what is acceptable and  what is not.  p**n?  Red flag...who is allowing this!!  That is perverted if it is allowed and she is not capable of handling such info. Mine is the same age and yes, they can be mouthy, but smacking a younger child isn't ok.  an adult needs to intervene.  It sounds like there is a lack of appropirate parenting and this child will (has already) suffer grave conesquences.

  2. Where are her parents?? Why the h**l is anyone allowing her to watch p**n on hbo??

    She was probably influenced by you in the early years an believes its okay to immitate your behaviour, but it ISN'T!

    Talk to her parents and tell them about all the stuff she is doing, they should sort it out.

  3. Listen this can get out of hand and quickly, that child smacking your little brother who is only three is not healthy for you her or the 3 year old.  Her watching p**n will make her more mature for her age but in the worst possible way.  She could grow up having s*x at 11 and not giving a care about her body, her self respect, or giving respect to others.  You need to sit her down and have a nice long talk with her, if she says shut up to you you need to make her realize who the boss is.  You must explain to her the gravity of her behavior.  She is definitely not acting her age she is acting both younger and older. Older because of the fact she likes to watch pornos and understands it, but younger because of her lack of understanding of respect, dignity, and abuse.  I'm telling you if you don't nip this in the bud she could be seriously traumatized for the rest of her life, and you do not want that to be on your conscious. if your talk with her doesn't go over well, you need to tell her parents or even yours if thats more comfortable.  DO NOT stay ou of her life, that will only make things worse, but whenevr she hits your brother, you better put that to an end, that is waaaaayyy too far.  Hope I helped.

  4. i dont think its COMPLETELY your fault... but i dont think that she should be watching p**n, and u should TOTALLY TELL HER PARENTS, if she keeps on watching p**n and acts like this... in the future she might become a s**t.. sorry to say that but porno is like that...

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