
Why is a political ad that is factual suddenly labeled an "attack" ad?

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Have you also noticed this? Why do you think this is?




  1. It's the same thing as Report Attacks here on YA Politics.

  2. I've yet to see one of these mythical factual ads from either side.  Do link us to one.

  3. Because it is factual!

  4. You have to keep in mind, ads from both sides are fully propaganda, just like most things you see dealing with politics in the media. Both want power; and the only way they can achieve that is through your vote *cough* cash *cough*.

    In any case, Obama is a fiend; I don't like McAmnesty either, but he's better than unknown "change" and all the other corrupt moral ideas Obama stands for. What change, Mr. Obama? And is that quote by Hillary all of a sudden void now? He's too scared to answer these, and just pulls the whole "McCain is a terrible person who only attacks the opposition" tactic. McCain would rip that obamanation apart in a debate.

  5. The Obama Nation cried the same thing against HILLARY, they are deranged.

  6. the same reason stating facts on this site gets your account suspended..

    the far left can't stand the truth ..and will stop at nothing in their attempt to silence rational thinking people

  7. i think its the things are presented...  and the very rarely give you all the facts...

    they say things like "Joe Blow voted against a bill that would give our troops body armor"

    what the dont say is "Joe blow voted against a bill that would give our troops body armor because there was a tax increase add-on"

    yjey spin it the way they want to.  take it all with a grain of salt and do your own research. Read people. read.  Ask questions... find the answers.  The TV isnt always right.

  8. I have yet to see a political ad from any candidate, presidential or otherwise, that was 100% accurate in it's representation of facts.  The "facts" they splash up on the screen may be accurate, but the manner in which they present them lead to inaccurate conclusions.

  9. It's not, just liberal media baloney.

  10. To liberals, telling the facts and the truth is an attack. Liberals really dont really concern themselves with the numbers or facts, there main focus is getting elected.  

  11. Just how factual is it, really?

    One of the best ways of smearing somebody is by distorting or taking out of context what they have done.

    Of course we all know John McCain would never stoop to doing such a thing.

    After all, he is a war hero, right(?)

  12. Politics-either side will label an ad aimed at their candidate as an "attack ad."

  13. When it is true it hurts more,

  14. If anyone dares to question obama its seen as an attack.  you cant say a negative thing about him without being bombarded with insults from his followers.

  15. Truth hurts.  If you can't disprove the charges, you have to shoot the messenger.  

    Whenever you hear someone lead with a conclusion, and counter with a personal accusation, instead of merely rebutting the story by presenting facts to the contrary, you can safely assume that the charges probably have some merit.

    Emotional appeals are used when the facts won't help you.

  16. It isn't but the Obama people don't even have enough of a backbone to take legitimate criticism..

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