
Why is a redneck divorce like a tornado?

by Guest58931  |  earlier

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In each of them someone is going to lose a mobile home.




  1. Well I think that is just another tacky question. Why don't you get in touch with the people in my home town who just lost their homes, 60 mobile homes and everything they owned, in tornadoes that came thru here Thursday night. You know, many people can not help it if they only thing they can afford is to either buy or rent a trailer. I am fortunate that I am not one of them, but I don't go poking fun at them either. Shame on you.

  2. I bet that one didn't come from Jeff Foxworthy.

  3. Misty Blue, you crack me up!

    Oh, whaaa.... loosey goosey.  Loosen up already, it was just a joke.

  4. You ask,we answer. Not you do both.

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