
Why is a rugby ball not spherical in shape, and for that matter, why is a soccer ball spherical in shape?

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Why is a rugby ball not spherical in shape, and for that matter, why is a soccer ball spherical in shape?




  1. Part two first.  Who would have suggested anything else for a game played with the ball at your feet?  Anything else would be like watching a bunch of loonies running after a ball that changed direction randomly.  Many would say that Leeds United clearly play that way today but I wouldn't.

    A rugger ball however is far easier to handle and kick from the hand as a result of the shape.  If you look back in history it has evolved from d**n nearly shperical to acute points at either end back to the more rounded ends that we see today.

    Ball design follows but also slightly dictates playing styles, the more pointly ended ones in the 70's and 80's created/necessitated different kind of precision in handling that the modern balls don't require which opens the game up and allows more fluid back play.  This is exacerbated by the coatings now used, heavy leather balls were a bugger to shift when wet and the ball would change in handle-ability as the game progressed. This doesn't happen with modern balls.

  2. Early on in rugby the balls were made from  pigs bladders. When they inflated these bladders they became oval. Thats why they are the shape they are now.

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