
Why is a sac showing up in my uterus?

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Okay my nipples have been hurting for the past 4 days.. been so tired. I just had my period Aug 1st but it only lasted 4 days unlike the other times in which it lasted 8 to 10 days.

But still being on your period rules out pregnancy right?

Anyhow, I went to the doctor tonight and she told me it sounded like pregnancy symptoms and had me take a urine test. It come up negative. She done an ultrasound and said my uterus was raised and there is a sac.

So she sent me to do a complete blood picture and a blood HCG level test.

She never even examined my breast! ughh.. Anyhow they are still sore, tender and hurting. I hope nothing is wrong with them.

So what do you all think is wrong with me? WTH is that sac in my uterus?




  1. your pregnant. sore b*****s are part of the pregnancy. that sac is the amniotic sac .

  2. the bleeding you had may have been implantation bleeding which happens when the little fertilized embryo burrows into the uterus wall. The bleeding is totally normal, and lots of people mistake it for a period.

    The sore b*****s are a common pregnancy symptom. The HCG blood test is to see if your pregnancy is developing as normal or if its maybe just not far enough along yet to show on a urine test.

  3. That sac in your uterus is quite possibly a baby growing.  Just because you had your "period" or something you thought was your period does not mean you can't be pregnant.  

    Lot's of people have something similar to a period many months into their pregnancy.  

    If you are pregnant than the HCG test will show it.  You may have miscarried, or had a partial miscarriage and that is why the sac is still showing up.

    Hope you figure it all out!

  4. it could be a yolk sac which mean you are pg. The test may be neg. because the fetus stopped developing and you are trying to miscarry.  You will know more when she gets the HCG levels back. Good luck

  5. it could be your embryo's yoke sac! even though you had period, you can still be pregnant since it's shorter than usual..

  6. Some women have a period during their whole pregnancies. This is pretty rare but it does happen. I had severe cramping and heavy bleeding a lot like a period when I was 5 1/2 weeks pregnant. I thought I was miscarrying again because I have had one previous miscarriage at 7 1/2 weeks. When they did the ultrasound at 5 1/2 weeks they saw the gestational sac and yolk sac that measured perfectly to 5 1/2 weeks. Then at 6 weeks and 1 day they did another ultrasound and they were able to see the baby and it's heartbeat.

    The yolk sac is the first thing you'll see before the baby shows up in it. Congrats to you!

  7. it could be a chemical pregnancy. That is where fertilization occurs but no baby developes, just the sac and protein. Sometimes they show as negative, sometimes as positive, usually with pregnancy symptoms. If it is just a sac, I think the next time you may pass it but with a really heavy cramp. Not sure about the fine points. Ask your doctor when they call with results.

  8. You best wait for the blood test to come back.  False neg's on urine tests are possible, which is why the doc ordered the blood test.

    Tender b*****s and nipples ARE a very common sign of early pregnancy.  My b***s ached SO BAD long before I ever thought to take a preg test, and yes, I was preg.

    The "sac" in your uterus could be the beginning of a pregnancy.  When the egg implants and the embryo starts to grow, it forms a sac.  If the sac is is called a blighted ovum, or a false pregnancy.  If there is an embryo growing in the sac, it is a successful early pregnancy.

  9. It is still possible to be pregnant...could have been implantation bleeding.  

  10. the doctor's gived a wrong diagnosis  you are pregnant that sack is your baby's balls !!!

  11. I had the same thing 3 months before I got pregnant with my first child. It turned out I had a "blighted ovum" which is when the sperm meets the egg but does not have enough chromosome to form a baby. So the sac is left with nothing inside. I looked and felt, and had the hormones of a 9 week pregnancy, but it was not a baby. I ended up have a miscarriage about 2 days after they did an ultrasound revealing what it was. I was sad, but my doctor said "just wait, you will get pregnant again in no time". Sure  enough 3 months later I found out I was pregnant and now I have a beautiful 1 year old, and I am 8 weeks pregnant again.  

    Good luck, I hope things work out the way you want them to.

  12. You're pregnant... the sac is what your baby will begin to grow in.  Congrats!

  13. 2 things could be going on:

    You might have been pregnant and miscarried. The sac would have been where the baby was supposed to grow.

    On the flipside, you could be newly pregnant and the sac is where the baby will begin growing shortly.

    But the urine test coming up negative is the reason why they're testing your HCG levels, to see if they are rising or falling.

    Sacs don't just appear in the uterus. They form there as the result of pregnancy.

  14. The sac is the amniotic sac.

    If there is a sac in your uterus and your uterus is enlarged it is most likely you are pregnant.

    Tender b*****s is common in pregnancy and it is not indicative of a problem.

  15. It's a yolk sac, it's what the baby feeds off until the placenta is formed and it starts getting it's nutrients from you. The reason your b*****s are tender is because of pregnancy. I can't say for sure if you are still pregnant or have miscarried with only seeing a sac, could be that are you VERY early in pregnancy. Of course that would be the case if you menstrated on the 1st of this month.  

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