
Why is a small bore shower hose recommended for a power shower?

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There are small (or normal) shower hoses and those labelled "large bore". From reading up a little, it seems that a small bore shower hose is recommended for power showers - why??




  1. A small bore hose forces the water into a smaller opening, thus creating pressure that manifests itself as a more "powerful" shower...  it's like holding your thumb over the end of your garden hose to create a spray.  Same principle.

  2. a power shower with pump inside the unit

    the pump is designed to run at a certain speed and thus give a certain pressure and flow

    if the outlet is too big ie a wide hose bore the pressure built up in the hose, which opposes the pressure created by the pump (called back pressure) is insufficient.

    this means the pump has too little resistance and runs fast. result burnt out pump motor

    theres more to it but thats the summary

  3. A smaller path for the water to travel down give more pressure at the shower head. hence the term ' power shower '. and they are a bit stronger.

  4. Imagine you have a plastic bottle full of water, and you want to get someone wet with it.

    If you make a really big hole in the lid and squeeze the bottle, the water won't come out with any force, it will just splosh out onto the floor at your feet.

    If you make a much smaller hole in the lid, then when you squeeze the bottle the water will spray out with greater force, and go further.

    It's the same principle with the two widths of shower hose. You'll get a similar rate of flow with both, but with the narrow hose the water will come out in a more concentrated jet, giving you a better, more powerful shower.

    This is in theory, anyway; to be honest, in reality you're very unlikely to notice the difference, as once through the hose the column of water is re-distributed (spread back out) in the shower head.

  5. They are less prone to expansion, so will not swell under pressure.

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