
Why is a statue of Persephone, Goddess of the Underworld atop the Capitol Dome?

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aka the Statue of Freedom

the Symbol of Deceit, Despair, Accusation, Lies, Envy, Distrust, Scheming, Drudgery and Gossip

also the name Persephone means 'destroyer of light'

rather odd to have on the Capitol Dome, don't you think?

equally, her mother Demeter, searched the world looking for Persephone who had been taken to the Underworld by Hades.

she roamed the world bearing a torch....

look familiar?

notice her 'illuminati' hairstyle!

has anyone else noticed these weird mythological symbols associated with US politics?




  1. To keep her as far away from home as possible.

    JUst kidding.  An interesting question.

  2. Its a secret symbol of the Illuminati/New World Order.

    The Democrat and Republican parties are one in the same, they are just there to distract and confuse the public while each side carries out their orders from above.

  3. Can you think of anything, other than Lucifer, which would be more fitting given the scheming, corruption, ineptitude, backstabbing, etc. which take place there regularly?

    They grandly call the Senate the world's greatest deliberative body.  They don't care that no one else thinks them worth a d**n..

  4. Yes, and for the longest time I thought this was bunk. Including the all seeing eye on top of the pyramid. As I have aged I have had to become more aware. The world is changing. The indoctrination of Americans is bearing fruit, we are 'one world' and our nation status is becoming less and less important. Sigh. I believe there is nothing to be done about it, we can educate, but along with that comes our tin foil hat status.

  5. It's not a statue of Persephone:

    The bronze Statue of Freedom by Thomas Crawford is the crowning feature of the dome of the United States Capitol. The statue is a classical female figure of Freedom wearing flowing draperies. Her right hand rests upon the hilt of a sheathed sword; her left holds a laurel wreath of victory and the shield of the United States with thirteen stripes. Her helmet is encircled by stars and features a crest composed of an eagle's head, feathers, and talons, a reference to the costume of Native Americans. A brooch inscribed "U.S." secures her fringed robes. She stands on a cast-iron globe encircled with the national motto, E Pluribus Unum. The lower part of the base is decorated with fasces and wreaths. Ten bronze points tipped with platinum are attached to her headdress, shoulders, and shield for protection from lightning. The bronze statue stands 19 feet 6 inches tall and weighs approximately 15,000 pounds. Her crest rises 288 feet above the east front plaza.

  6. If you know your Bible, then you shouldn't be surprised that such images or statues appear everywhere.  The devil is the god of this world, and he controls this world through occult organizations such as Skull & Bones, Bohemian Club, Bilderberg, etc.

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