
Why is a tree called a tree?

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Why is a tree called a tree?




  1. Because people might become confused if you called a tree a cauliflower or a rhinoceros.

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    wow...with all these mysteries, I might not be able to sleep at night..o_o

  3. because people who made english thought that tree would best suit the weird lookin thing so called tree today!!!

  4. It's a very old word which has forms in many ancient languages. The modern English "tree" is from the Middle English "tréo". It's such an old word that it's origin is lost now. Probably existed before written communication.

    This is an Etymology question rather than a Botany question.

  5. It has its roots in Old English (treo/treow) and Proto-Germanic (treewan). Proto-Germanic is the hypothetical ancestor of all germanic languages, including english.

  6. A nose by any other name would smell as sweet

  7. Why not?

  8. why is a car called a car?

  9. why is fruit called fruit

  10. Because our ancestors who first started talking would have made a grunt to identify a 'tree'. Others would have then copied this grunt and it would have evolved with clarity and become more widely known. And everybody would have started calling a tree -a tree. xx

  11. -_- zzzzzzzz.... Y DO I BOTHER?

  12. why always repeats.

    why did you ask this question?

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    i don't know

    why are you called adam?





  13. i dont know

    its just a name given

  14. same reason a flower is called a flower.

    lol come on m8 wake up u must have a brain somewhere

  15. So that when it falls in the Forrest you cant  hear it! if it was called something else and you listened real hard maybe you might just hear it fall, but then if you weren't listening hard and you heard it fall you wouldn't know what it was that fell cause it didn't have a name ,but it does . be glad you know its name,though it doesn't have a back or front it has a behind, so bears can relieve themselves gratefull are those who know its name and you are one of them!!

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