
Why is abortion sooooo bad?

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I mean, the child isn't even born yet.

So why is it soooo wrong to get an abortion?

Just curious, because there will always be a good enough reason for a mother to kill her unborn child.

Any thoughts?




  1. At the moment of conception the baby is alive so you are killing a living human being. And if you get in abortion there can be complecations and i know people who got an abortion and they pulled out important parts so they couldnt have any kids. and you can get completly depressed. Is it okay to kill a 3 year old, or someone who is 13 or 33 or 100. anyway you turn it it is murder.  

  2. In my opinion, abortion is the womans choice, and no one else's. There are times when a mothers health is at risk, or the woman was raped. I would never judge a woman for making a very difficult decision. I do however think, that children that are out having s*x, get pregnant, and choose to have an abortion is a little different, they should take responsibility for thier actions.  

  3. It don't matter if the child is born yet, it's MURDER! I'm sorry but if you can lay in bed and have s*x then you should be mature enough to take care of it or give it up for adoption, there are MANY people in the world that can't have children and I'm sorry killing your unborn baby is selfish!!! There is NEVER a good enough reason to kill an innocent child.  

  4. Abortion isn't bad at all. Some people think  it is because they think it is killing a baby. It actually isn't. First of all, there is a time where the baby may have a heart but not all the body parts to even function, so scientifically it isn't killing the baby. Also, women should have a choice if they want to have the baby or not. It shouldn't be forced upon them.

  5. Oh god.  The pro-lifers will go on and on about how it's murdering a soul, a human being, blah, blah, blah.  Personally I believe in a woman's right to choose.  There are a lot of neglected children out there and a lot of murdered children out there at the hands of their own parents.  Like the woman who didn't notify that her daughter was missing for a month.  Or the woman who was just convicted of murder because she got into an argument with her boyfriend and put their one month old in a microwave and cooked it to death.  Perhaps if they had abortions, those children wouldn't have died such horrible and public deaths.  Or the women who are left abandoned in parking lots, placed in dumpsters, are born to drug or alcohol addicted mothers who are painfully addicted themselves, those who are beaten and abused or who get taken away by children's services for neglect......  but that's so much better. <rolls eyes>

  6. Month One

    Mommy, I am only 8 inches long, but I have all my organs. I love the sound of your voice. Every time I hear it, I wave my arms and legs. The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby.

    Month Two

    Mommy, today I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me, you could definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though. It is so nice and warm in here.

    Month Three

    You know what Mommy, I'm a girl !! I hope that makes you happy. I always want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad too, and I cry with you even though you can't hear me.

    Month Four

    Mommy, my hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine, but I will have a lot of it. I spend a lot of my time exercising. I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes, and stretch my arms and legs. I am becoming quite good at it too.

    Month Five

    You went to the doctor today. Mommy, he lied to you. He said that I'm not a baby. I am a baby Mommy, your baby. I think and feel. Mommy, what's abortion?

    Month Six

    I can hear that doctor again. I don't like him. He seems cold and heartless. Something is intruding my home. The doctor called it a needle. Mommy what is it? It burns! Please make him stop! I can't get away from it! Mommy!! HELP me!! No ...

    Month Seven

    Mommy, I am okay. I am in Jesus's arms. he is holding me. He told me about abortion. Why didn't you want me Mommy?

    Every Abortion Is Just . . .

    One more heart that was stopped. Two more eyes that will never

    see. Two more hands that will never touch. Two more legs that will never run. One more mouth that will never speak.

  7. I'm pro-choice. I don't think abortion is bad. Sometime a woman isn't ready to dedicate her life her life to someone else but you must understand that people care so much about it because it's a potential human being and think it's a sin to kill it. But personally I think it's a greater sin if you give birth to a baby without love and care for it.

  8. well, in the first 2.5 months i dont consider it to be human.  so i dont think abortion is "murder" as many people say it is.  I think it is worse for a 16 year old girl to have a child that she not take care of emotionaly or financially.  People who are not reasponsible enough to use protection correctly are not reasponsible enough to be parents.

  9. I dont believe its a bad thing. People usually go and get it done because they have really good reasons to. I think it would be much worse for the child to be born and then be brought up is a horrible way. The mother usually has a great reason. You shouldnt judge someone because they go and get it done. I could never personally do it now I love my partner to death and i know im still at home with mum and dad and Im only 20 but the suggestion of abortion never came up because we had no real good reason to just go and terminate a miracle. unless I was raped and there would be no way in h**l i would keep it, if i was a druggo, poor, or if i just plain knew i couldnt look after it or afford the medical expenses.  

  10. because it's a human being ofcourse. I have a good idea lets get rid of abortion forever and start keeping our legs closed and using the proper protection instead of taking the easy and less responsible way out.

    Rape victims  should have the choice on whether they want to bring a child into the world that was forcefully made.... but other than that there are no excuses only stupid ones people take the easy way out of a situation they don't want to be in and don't give me c**p about being a young unwed mother it's called ADOPTION.

    Why do we have unwanted pregnancies in the first place and why are people so irresponsible about having s*x if they don't want a baby in the first place ?hello s*x = baby! that should be the more legitimate question.

  11. becuase you should have taken better precautions to prevent the pregnancy in the first place. birthcontrol, condoms, morning after pill. its so simple just to use these and abortions wouldnt be needed

    i dont see it as wrong, if that is what you chose to do with your life then whatever. i know plenty of people who have gotten one and i dont look at them any different. I myself however could never get rid of a child.  

  12. In a sense the child isn't born or breathing and eating on it's own. But, it is still developing. The baby still has hands and a head and little legs. It's just a hard thing to say when life begins. Does it begin when you are 'born' or when you are 'conceived'. A lot of peoples religions say that life starts when are in the womb, and many peoples morals follow that path. But, on the other side a lot of people say you aren't alive until you can breathe on your own. It's just a matter of when you think life is starting, and when you are killing a person.  

  13. people believe that it isn't right to take the life of a creature who doesn't have their own say in the matter... I for one think choice is the answer, if the mother can't handle raising a baby due to finance or addiction or anything, it should be her right to terminate the pregnancy rather than bring up a child in a second rate environment

  14. a child isn't any less of a child because it hasn't been born yet -- it would not grow if it weren't living.  so, i can't understand how people can justify having an abortion based on the premise that it is not a living thing.  i don't mean that in a judgmental tone.  but, it is murder.  abortions and executions are the only forms of murder that are legalized.  and, for the life of me, i don't understand that.

    but, i normally keep my opinion to myself on abortion even if someone asks.

  15. It is viewed as murder by many because in abortion they stop a human heart.  Yes even an unborn baby has a beating heart.  The only reason I agree with on abortions is medically necessary to save the life of the mother because if the mother is going to die that would be two lives lost but to have one done just because BC failed or they didn't want to get on BC or whatever to me just isn't' a good enough reason to stop a human heart from beating.  But everyone has their own right to their own opinion on the subject.  

  16. Sweetheart, when you have a baby one day, and you see your little peanut on that ultrascreen sucking his thumb and waving at you, you'll have a little more insight.

    "It isn't even born yet."

    By that logic, you could justify a woman in her final month of pregnancy getting an abortion.

    "There will always be a good enough reason for a mother to kill her unborn child."

    The phrasing of this is really awful.

    If that woman didn't want a baby, she should've kept her legs shut. End of story.

    It isn't her baby's fault that she CHOSE to have s*x.

    in the future, please post this in the politics section.

  17. Abortion is a very controversial subject. Personally I am pro-choice, meaning I believe the mother has the right to give up her unborn child if she feels she is incapable of raising it properly.

    I am also not religious, technically I am an atheist but I don't call myself one because I don't actively deny the existence of gods rather I disregard it completely.

    People who are against abortion get their feeling from their religion, and since no religion can be proved true nobody can really call abortion "wrong".

    But as I said before, abortion is very controversial so there will always be people who say it is wrong and people who say it is okay.

    All in all, I believe the decision should be made based on the mothers personal feelings.

  18. Well, I used to think exactly the same way but think about this:-

    Can you feel the pain when you cut a flower for your vase on the dinning table or to present it to someone? Do you feel pain when someone else falls on the floor like a little kid or maybe someone who meets an accident? I don't think you do unless you have some special power to feel other's pain.

    Hence, one does not feel the pain that the little embryo feels while abortion takes place (while killing it).

    That's why it's sooooo bad. I hope I was able to help.

  19. just said "there will always be a good enough reason for a mother to kill her unborn child"

    that's just it...IT IS A CHILD!

    Its LIFE!

    The bible says that life starts at time of conception!!!!!!

    NOT at the time of birth!

    If life started at time of birth....then abortion would not be murder....and the baby wouldn't kick, or move, or practice breathing, or smell and hear mommy, hear the world around, see light or have a heart beat or brain activity!

    Besides...abortion is painful. Would you want scissors STABBED into the back of your neck and your brain VACCUUMed out of your tiny little defenseless head????

    Abortion is murder! God loves each and every baby that he ha so wonderfully and beautifully made!

  20. One of the reasons I can think of is because it is an operation. It is not as simple as some people would lead you to believe. It can leave uterine scarring and vaginal tares. If it is botched really badly, it can cause a woman to never be able to have children in the future. Recovery is painful and they can not be done very close together without major complications.

    As for the baby, many believe that the fetus can feel what is happening and it is often times cut up inside the mother and that would have to be a terribly painful way to die.

  21. because the baby can feel the pain. just because its not born yet doesnt mean it cant feel things. here's some facts:

    *at 8 weeks a baby has all of its organs

    *The ultrasound scans show 12-week-old unborn babies not only walking in the womb, but stretching and kicking--long before the mother can feel the baby's movements.

    It wasnt the baby's fault that the mom had s*x or didnt use protection. so do the baby a favor and at least give it up for adoption.

  22. I know everyone has different opinions about this but i was faced with this decision once and yea its true its not born yet and it dosent quite look like a baby but depending on how far along you are it could have feet it could have hands or even a heartbeat, think its the persons fault that they got pregnant anyways and they should have to deal with it, but i do understand abortions for people who have been raped.

  23. People that have the sick and twisted mindset like yourself don't deserve to have kids or have s*x period. I am really questioning the people who support abortions -- if they even have kids. Girls who use abortion as birth control should just get murdered at the time of their abortion. OH BUT THAT'S NOT OK RIGHT? I find it very difficult in todays society that people will have a f*cking fit at people who treat animals inhumanely, euthanize animals, and all the tree huggers have fits if the environment is being disturbed, but its just fine and F*CKIN DANDY to kill an unborn child. And for the moron that said 'oh I don't believe its HUMAN until 2.5 months' you are a f*cking idiot. This BABY that is developing inside of you was created by two humans you moron. So what is it until 2.5 months? A dog? A cat? LMFAO please keep your legs closed. Why the f*ck not just go get your promiscuous asses on birth control if you don't want babies? And for the other idiot that says abortion is only determined by religion, UMM NO its not. I am a married mother of 2 with one on the way. There is no way in your cold little h**l that I would be able to look at my kids and even THINK of killing my unborn child. To the idiot that asked this question, there is NEVER a reason PERIOD for a mother to kill her child. I'd put money on it that you already have your fire cell waiting for you in h**l. I have a friend who he and his wife cannot conceive. People like all these little whores sleeping around and aborting make them sick. They cannot have kids, but yet all these people are running around having abortions thinking its ok. And no for crying out loud, the babies are NOT A WOMANS BODY! There is a body developing inside of a womans body that did not just decide to start growing there. POINT BLANK GET ON BIRTH CONTROL...PREVENT THE MURDER!!!

  24. Because the parent can't provide it with good parenting or a good lfe in general, be it financial or other problems.

    Because adoption is sometimes bad for the child's psyche, and poses a greater risk in the foster care system for abuse, be it physical, emotional, sexual, you name it.

    Because more than 600,000 children are waiting for homes right now and can't find one.

    Because the economy can't afford 100,000 unwanted children a year.

    Because the fetus can't feel pain until about the point of viability. (Don't believe me, look it up in this little periodical called the American Journal of Medicine.)

    Because the fetus doesn't form cognitive thoughts.

    OH WAIT.

    Those are reasons that dispel all the common reasons for saying abortion is bad!

    People need to mind their own business and live their own lives. Making abortion illegal won't stop the babies form being killed, but the women will also be killed by illegal abortions, and the number of abortions performed will not decrease in any way, shape, or form.

    It's no one's place to tell others what they can and cannot do with their own lives, and no one's place to judge but God himself, so let's allow Him to handle this one.


  25. okay first off u are killing ur own flesh and blood ur child that u carrry inside u and if U are irresponsible enough not to use a condom then u should be able to sufffer the consequences and  maybe if u didnt lay on ur back u wouldnt be pregnant it is ur child and u are about to kill it. i dont understand these girls like u on here saying this stuff there are thousands of people that would do anything for a baby and u just want to abort urs like its a piece of ur **** and it is a living thing babys have a heartbeat before u can even know that u are pregnant!

  26. 1. First and most important.  The baby has a God given Right to Life. How would you feel if your mother ended your life this way?

    2. You have no right to end this baby's life.

    3. The abortion procedure is not always safe.

    4. In many cases it can lead to complications of infection and more.

    5.Future infertility, results in scar tissue inside the uterus that can prevent you from having babies in the future.

    6. Nightmares and guilt you will feel for years and years to come, knowing you took a life that you had no right to end.

    7. By the time you know you are pregnant, the baby has all its finger prints, foot prints,  heart beat, brain waves, feels pain and sucks his thumb.

    8.They have to count each piece of that baby's body and identify it after the abortion to make sure they got it all out of you. I can't imagine being a nurse to a doctor that performs such sick things as killing babies for a living.

    9. Can you imagine her nightmares each night as she tries to sleep, counting baby parts not sheep?

    10. Its just so sick, soooooo bad

  27. straight up because the baby never had a chance.. if you think about it, that child couldve grown up and made some big changes in the world. the child didn't have a chance, and its unfair.

    plus, if you dont want a baby, the dont F**king have s*x! its irrisponsible and a baby doesnt deserve to be killed cuz of an idiotic move. its not a toy, you cant just decide to have s*x then kill it off just like that. its a life. understand now? there is no good enough reason to get rid of it.

    if you cant afford to take care of it, you can give it away.

  28. i think it is bad because.. your takign away a life before it takes course . imagine your life, and how big it is, how much you enjoy it . how much you have gine through, how it feels to touch someone.. how it feels ot be in love, or have a crush, how it feels to be happy, or sad, and excited . how it would feel to be a mother to someone, to take care of someone, to help someone. dont let somebody take away a life, before it happends. it may even cause the butterfly effect. maybe not letting one baby be born will change everyones lives . one person may never fall in love, one person may die bcuz this baby was never born, one perosn may never have a sister or a brother, or a mother, and maybe this one baby can change everyones lives . it may become a scientist and help find cures to save peoples lives . one child can change history, but only if you give them a chance to live . just imagine, if you were never born . but you cant .. because you are living, and youcould never imagine a world without yourself takign part . that is why . : )

    btw, im 13, i never experienced .. pregnancy .. obviously, but even i know the facts and why abortion should never take place .

    good luck with life, .. <3 .

  29. A life is a life. If its not a human why is it growing if its not alive why is its heart beating. Every person who has ever voted for abortion has already been born. Lets ask some of the unborn if they think abortion is ok. Abortion is murder plain and simple. why does the baby always have to die. Why don'tt we abort the mother once inawhilee. They say its thewoman's choice but who gives her the right to abort someoneElse'ss body. Its not her body to kill. for the rest of her life she will live knowing she killed her baby. Just becase something is leagal doesnt make it right. During ww2 it was legal to kill jews because the government declared jews where not human. Does that make it right. You will stand before god one day and if you killed your baby knowing it was wrong you will be judged.

  30. Wow- that is a LOADED question... I am a very open minded person who always likes to hear both sides of every story. I can not for the life of me find any reason that abortion should be okay. Just because the baby hasn't been born yet, doesn't mean that it doesn't exsist. It is a life from the second it is conceived and growing inside! It is not a cancerous tumor in your uterous. What really bugs me is when women say "its my body, I can do what I want with it." The fact is that it is not just your body, it is also your babies body! Who is going to speak for that unborn child who has a whole life ahead of it? What choice does it have? Also, why does a womans decision to abort override what a father wants to do? It is just as much his baby as it is hers? I am a religious person, but let's pretend that I wasn't. I would still see it as completely immoral and irresponsible. I also don't understand how women who have abortions can say "it was such a hard decision!" Why is it a hard decision to them? They don't even view it as a life! If they did, they wouldn't have murdered their unborn child. I am sure that most of them who say that know that what they did was wrong, but are too weak to admit it. Sorry for writing so much, I am just very passionate about this topic!

  31. See, it all depends on what you believe in. Personally, I think that it is wrong but that is just my opinion. I think it is because you brought the baby into the world. If you weren't ready to care for it, why would you do it? I mean, even if it isn't born, it is still living. It is living off of you, and everything you do can effect it.

    Being for abortion, it the opposite.

    That is all I know...


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