
Why is abortion such a huge issue here?

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It continues to be the issue that polarizes most people on both YA politics and religion. Why is such a huge issue here and such a non-issue in the public at large?




  1. It is the shiny object that desperate politicians use to keep the attention of otherwise intelligent people off of the issues that are dragging this country down.

  2. Americans are easily lead by the nose

    Americans have been so dumbed down that none of them should have the right to vote unless they take a civics/politics test first

  3. It's easy and emotional. You have to have some modicum of knowledge and intelligence to discuss things like deficits or trade or even wars.

  4. I've actually noticed that the main issue that was sweeping the nation isn't discussed anymore; g*y marriage. Liberals think that it's the woman's choice where non-liberals are so pro-life and cry out that abortion is murder. Yeah it's murder but the stem cells that come from the fetuses could preserve life so basically everyone would be happy. Perhaps that's why that's the big issue.

  5. Because it is murder and people are constantly coming up with excuse to justify it and the way they 'feel' about it!!!

  6. I don't think it will ever be made illegal, so I'm not sure why it's such a huge issue either.

  7. It's an issue that is huge in the public as well. It's an issue that can make people NOT vote for someone.

  8. It is a huge issue with the public at large. For me it's a non issue though.

  9. No offense to the abortion issue but it should not be the biggest issue now.  Granted it is important but priorities need to be set.  Our priority now should be this economy because we can talk about abortion all day every day, but if we lose the country that allows us to talk about things like that so freely, whats the point?

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