
Why is acid rain harmful

by Guest55725  |  earlier

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Why is acid rain harmful




  1. Acid rain is harmful to plants because acid rain contains a lot of hydroxyde (H+) ions. This, if you recall from chemistry class, makes a substance acidic. When the rain comes into contact with the soil, the hydroxyde ions causes the soil to lose all of its negative charged particles. These particles are the nitrogen forms such as NO3 that the plants need in order to survive.

    Therefore acid rain causes the soil to lose the precious partcles that plants need to survive.  

  2. acid rain has a lower pH level ( meaning it is more acidic)then regular rain due to increased levels of sulfuric and nitrogenous gases.  The change in pH throws off the balance in the environment causing harmful effects.  Acid rain leaches Calcium minerals from the soil making forest growth impossible and even leaches nutrients from the plants themselves.  The most devastating effect is on freshwater ecosystems.  Fish require a delicate balance of pH level.  A drop in this level pH level due to acid rain is quite harmful and fatal in large quantities.  

    Most acid rain is from coal burning plants emissions where waste is deposited into the environment.  

  3. its acid. its falling from the sky. i don't see why there is confusion as to why it might be harmful.

  4. The acid will attack and corrode living tissue and various stone constructs and mineral deposits. It can also dissolve harmful metals and convert them into soluble form, and these metals will be taken up by plants and poison lakes.

    Tissue is only corroded after long-term exposure, so trees will be affected, but humans will not.

  5. It pollutes the ecosystem, for example the black forest in Germany. It is completely ruined, the trees are rotted, and the air is foggy.

  6. it burns and eats everything like your skin...but the acids in your bodi are helpful for digestion...acid rain is different  

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