
Why is addiction called a disease?

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I shop too much, does that mean I have a brain disorder? No - it means I am irresponsible with my spending. What makes addicts or alcoholics any different from me? Please help me understand - this is causing SERIOUS drama in my relationship.




  1. its kinda like if you have skin desiease, you cant lose it or get rid of it without help.

    so If your a shopping addict you cant stop shopping with out help, Its kinda hard to put it in words

  2. Ive wondered the same thing. I would be mad if I was a cancer patient and I was being treated the same as some ignorant person who didn't know when to let go of their Jack Daniels.

  3. sorry to offend anyone?

    you offend because you just don't get it-like anyone who has never experienced addiction doesn't get it. an addict may "choose" to use drugs at first, but eventually they cross an impercieveable line and choice goes away and "must" takes over. then every day becomes slavery to staying well, not getting the shakes/jones, getting enough dope to be able to function-no matter what.

    you are fortunate to have never experienced what he has, to not have made your soul sick, never compromised your ethics, wake up a slave to something that started out as fun-hating yourself for what you have become, living in fear of dying and in fear of continuing to live strung out.

    be grateful he is in recovery, he is working on becoming a real man & that takes time. being diseased is no excuse-communication is the solution to all relationship problems.

  4. It's called a disease because it is progressive, incurable and ultimately fatal, a bit like life really. I believe that the term disease was adopted to by the US medical profession, primarily to enable sufferers to claim medical insurance. You are no different to another 'addict' in that your behavior is having a significant impact on other aspects of your life. This is probably a better way of looking at any excess in anyones life. It is all about balance. You may find that any addicted behaviour is partly as a result of a generic inheritance, and I don't mean  one genetic addiction gene, but a combination which may include your fight/flight response for example. This can be reinforced by life experiences in your formative years and contributes to your overall self image. There is much more that I can say. You really need to get to the root of your compulsive behaviour, which can be done by some self analysis, but more quickly and successfully with a good trained counsellor.

  5. a true physical addiction results in the same destruction to the body as any other disease, thus the reason for calling it that.

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