
Why is africa called the cradle of mankind??

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Why is africa called the cradle of mankind??




  1. because humans first evolved there from primates millions of years ago...

  2. Some people think mankind evolved (despite the lack of evidence. It is a philopsohical view not a scientific, evidence based one).

    The earliest ancestors are alleged to have come from africa.

    Actually they came from the Middle East - from Babel.

    God dispersed the nations from Babel when they disobeyed his command to spread throughout the earth. That is why we have different nations and different languages now.

    Evolutionists struggle to explain these things, but the answers have been given to those who are open to take a look, and not boined by evolutionary dogma.

    People who make bold claims like 'mankind evolved in Africa' should really back it up with some evidence.

    All hominid fossils are clearly ape or clearly human. History is full of frauds and over-enthusiastic claims of anthropologists

    Man was created as man. We are very different to all apes/monkeys and there is no evidence that we evolved at all.

    The evidence does not support he idea that we are evolved from an ape. All hominid fossils are clearly human or clearly ape.

    History is full of frauds and wishful thinking in regard to alleged missing links:

    Piltdown man – fraud

    Java man - a few teeth, and a few skull and bone fragments

    Nebraska man - a pigs tooth

    Australopithecene (Lucy) - portrayed with human like hands and feet despite the fact that it is known to have ape like hands and feet, and to have been a knuckle walker.

    To believe we evolved from an ape requires an awful lot of faith! It flies in the face of the evidence, and of scientific knowledge.

  3. That is where the first humans evolved.

  4. As others have said, because we're originally from Africa.

    In response to the creationist, here's evidence:

  5. well that sure was a bunch of c**p!

  6. Babies normally spend a lot of time in a sort of cradle and it can be said that the cradle is their first resting place (outside the womb where they are not babies but fetuses.

    Modern man's first original resting place is Africa...hence..."out of Africa".

    Every human alive on the planet is a descendant of someone who lived in Africa a couple of hundred  to a several thousand years ago. We are of the same race, yes! Scandinavians and Ethiopians are the same race.

    I know the ultra prejudice and the KKK will not like this but when did we go to the likes of them for knowledge and reliable information?

  7. Because the earliest hominin fossil evidence comes from Equatorial Africa!

  8. Because the historical and, recently, the genetic record indicate that is where "homo sapiens" first evolved.

    Scientists have been able to trace the DNA of humans back to one female ancestor in prehistoric Africa.

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