
Why is africa one of the poor countries??

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fine why is it one of the poor continents. goshh




  1. Africa is not a country.

  2. Africa is a continent. There are 60 or so countries in Africa and not all of them are poor. Some are quite wealthy.

  3. People from other continents come over and exploit it

    (for hundreds of years...)

    they fight amongst themselves a lot....

    no telling what they could have done or been if left alone....

  4. It's refreshing to see that people are actually aware that Africa is continent, Actually at this writing it is made up of 54 different countries and as stated before not all the countries are poor, and it does contain some of the richest natural resources in the world.

    To try to answer your question you have to go back a little, in the 1700 and 1800's the continent was colonized by various European powers, now what is not well know is as these powers controlled the many different natural resources (diamonds,gold, oil) these resources were shipped back to the various European countries, none of the richest of the resources were used for infrastructure, or schools or even on the people.

    As these different Europeans countries gave independance to the colonized African nations, they did not give up control of the resources and still today these resources are owned not by the host country but by large corp. entities outside of Africa.

  5. Africa is a continent made up of mostly poor countries.

    It is terribly backward which is why the people are poor despite Africa being resource rich.

    Corruption, war, disease, ignorance, illiteracy, superstition, all work to prevent Africa from taking its place in the world.

    Africa is not poor. Only her people are.

    The developed world has done little to change things.

  6. Africa is not a's a continent with many countries...

    specifically which country are we talking about here ?

  7. Because foriegn countries and companies have stolen it's resources and actively encourage discord as well as provide weapons to the  tribal factions within the country.    

  8. If you want to go waaaay (well, not that far back honestly) to the mid-19th century...European countries went into Africa and raped the country of all monetary goods such as diamonds.

    Also, Europeans went into the region and attempted to colonize. This created a lot of turmoil about race (like in Rawanda).

    If you want to get sociological, in some of the rural areas in Africa there are tribes that have been living the same way for thousands of years. Their culture doesn't thrive on materialistic gains. They have a tribe mentality and use the resources around them to survive.

  9. I would say a lot of the countries in Africa have a lack of natural resources to export and make money from. Also they are very war torn and don't make as much revenue off of tourism because people are scared to go there.  

  10. Africa isn't a country it's a continent.

    Colonisation, war, famine, debt - take your pick.

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