
Why is age seen as a handicap while youth is a benefit in politics?

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only in america is being older seen as problematic, while in many ancient cultures and some asian cultures age is seen as experience. But in the US, being older is seen as a problem.




  1. Young/original or Old/tired

    I go with the former

    It's not about the age, it's the ideas!

    If McCain had new and original ideas, I would vote for him, no question.

  2. I don't think age is a handicap nor youth a benefit.  If you don't like the candidate, you'll criticize them for anything.  If you don't like the old candidate, you'll say he's close to becoming feeble or senile or dead.  If you don't like to young one, you'll say he has no experience.  

  3. i guess its because young people are the future of the country, elderly people on the other hand have done their bit and americans cant see why they're useful, ancient cultures however are proud of what they did to help the country and are interested about them (like if they fought in the war or something)

  4. 1. I think some people are getting tired of the country, and to a large extent the world, being run by old white men.  Age can bring wisdom, but not necessarily.  In the case of American politicians it seems to bring mostly greed.  2. When it comes to the presidency of the U.S., if you haven't noticed, even 1 term presidents age considerably during their term.  The job would have to include a tremendous amount of stress and pressure.  If Obama were to be elected President for the next 2 terms, he'd look much, much older than his years by the time he left office.  I seriously doubt McCain could make it through 1 term.  The only way to be President and not age would be to not give a flying **** about the job, like Bush.

  5. Because when a person is a senile old geezer like john mccain they lose touch with reality and make foolish statements like:

    "In the 21st century, nations don’t invade other nations."  - john mccain on russia invading georgia

    How did john forget the USA invading afghanistan and iraq?

  6. I don't think it is. Joe is old and he's horrible

    But, it feels strange to have a candidate that is younger than me. I'm 51.

  7. People want a president that wont die on them, so they dont have ot go through another election

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