
Why is al-Qaida so mad at other countries? Is killing really the answer to their problem?

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Why is al-Qaida so mad at other countries? Is killing really the answer to their problem?




  1. Its not that they dont like other countries its that they dont like the people.  Who they are, what they believe, what they stand for and so on.  It is thei belief that they have to ride the earth of "impure" beings (such as people not exactly like them).

  2. Because they are all a bunch of psycho men with small peckers and they must degrade women and hate all others to make up for their OH-SO-SHORT comings!!! (yes, pun intended)

  3. Al Qaeda is the offshoot of Islamist thoughts

    Holy Quraan says if you kill Kaffirs is not sin but  you will go to heaven

    now who ever is not Muslim is Kaffir.

    So they want whole world to be free from Kaffirs they want to go to heaven..

    so now your question is answered

  4. Its all a game of power... like office politics, management pitting co-workers against one another to promote competition, bin Laden is trying to get al-Qaida wanna-be's to vy for his praise, and martyrdom... what's funny is he is playing 'Where's Waldo' in the mountains between Afghanistan and Pakistan... afraid to pop his head up long enough for us to get a bead on him! How hard can it be to track a man on dialysis? How about a few nukes to bounce the rubble and level his hiding places?

  5. They hate all who are not muslim and half that are.

  6. Revelations

  7. they are not mad at everyone just at someone who wants to steel their natural resources and invade they country for exploiting the goods

  8. You know, it seems ridiculous, but a lot of it boils down to fear of  things different. Religion, government, social change, it all seems to mirror the fear of the catholic church, but al-Qaida takes it to the extreme.

  9. When a person is strongly influenced in believing something crazy, then yes.

  10. Yes, killing or converting is their answer. Al-Qaida is an organization of mostly illiterate males who have been educated in madras's throughput the Middle East. These young men, for the most part, are feed a main course of hate and loathing for the west and a literal inturpretation for the Koran on the side. They love the promise of death more than they love life itself: property, family, innocent men, women and children are expendable tools to their cause. They think that Islam is the truth. Anyone who does not believe as they do, or who won’t convert, are infidels and thus are good candidate for extermination—beheading is their favorite method--in the name of Allah of course.  This is what drove the holy wars in the pass. Here it is 2000 years later and they are at it again. And again they must be met with the same strength and resolve as back then. Anything gesture offered out of kindness or consideration is seen as weakness and faciliates more violence from them

  11. they arent mad at "countries"..they are soaked in hatred for anyone who worships in a different fashion than they do..their prophet told them they must kill and murder and butcher all who do not believe as they do

  12. killing is not answering anything but maybe its a way of revenge. they think that the u s a and the western world are

    courrepting the midlle east governments who opprese the

    people of the islamic world. but in fact  al-qaida main goal is to overthrough the current governments in the area to establish the islamic impire from the ocean to the arab gulf which it meanse extreme oppression in god s name.

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