
Why is alcohol legal, but marijuana isn't?

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Neither have addictive properties. Both impair judgement. What is the deal?




  1. Nether have addictive properties? Water has addictive properties...

    MJ illegal because big brother want to arrest you for all they can...

  2. Personally, I think alcohol is the worse of the two. People can't die of pot poisoning, but they can die of alcohol poisoning. Both do impair judgement and reaction time, but it seems that more people suffer the ill effects of this through alcohol. For all intents and purposes, alcohol so far has proven to be the worse of the two. Although it would seem that neither have addictive properties, people in their own right can become addicted to anything. Call it an emotional addiction to begin with, but it soon turns into a physical addiction because the person repeating the behavior doesn't realize they are becoming, or are addicted to a substance. Pot was made illegal in 1931. Couldn't really tell ya why, but for some reason it was. I think the reason that alcohol isn't is because of the results of Prohibition. Because people were not allowed to legally make, drink, or purchase alcohol, it became a dangerous thing. Many deaths were caused because regardless of the Prohibition laws, people still wanted/needed to drink. Some people made their own for selling or their own consumption. If you look at when organized crime began, it started after Prohibition(1920-1933 It seems to be one of those things. The only thing that bothers me with the whole thing is people that were busted either possessing/selling pot are in prison with people who made and/or sold controlled substances like meth, cocaine, crack, heroine, and unfortunately, too many that can be named anymore. Basically, the government realized that during prohibition, the general populace would find a way regardless.

  3. i think the gov (or whoever) doesnt want either of them legal.  alcohol is already legal and its too hard to make illegal (as seen with the whole prohibition thing). so since they can't make alcohol illegal, theres no way theyre gunna legalize marijuana

  4. You are incorrect - both are potentially addictive.

    The main difference is that alcoholic beverages have been an integral part of human society for thousands of years; in some cases they have been not only useful but lifesaving.  And while there is such a thing as a safe dose of alcohol, the same cannot be said for marijuana - at least, not if you're smoking it.

  5. alcohl is less addicting

    alcohol with be out of your body much quiker

  6. i agree.

    cause with alcohol, once you drink all you want is more. which leads to liver damage.

    but pot?

    smoke it and you get hungry


  7. Alcohol is addictive. Why do you think AA exists? Marijuana only impairs judgement for those who over do it, and not nearly at the same level as alcohol.

  8. it's probably cause alcohol is more common to be consumed

  9. Prohibition was tried and failed. Medicinal marijuana has passed state laws, but not Federal law. Why isn't tobacco illegal?

    How many deaths from cancer has the use of smoking and/or chewing tobacco caused?

    It is legal. Not to mention that the nicotine is more addictive than heroin.

    Who do you know that smokes who hasn't tried to stop at least a few times.

    We need a new way of looking at certain substances. Some that are legal shouldn't be and vice versa.

  10. Actually both have been proven to have addictive properties. Alcohol can be so physically addictive you can die from the withdrawals.

    There are a few reasons that Marijuana is illegal. The main reason it was illegalized to begin with was as an attack on mexican immigrants in the south west during the early 1900s.

    another reason is that Marijuana easily grows wild throughout north america, and since it grows so easily in america, it would be extreamly difficult for the government to control, regulate, and especially tax the production and distribution of the substance, so they just prohibit the possesion of it completely.

  11. Weed can't be monopolized, alcohol can.  

  12. I asked this question recently. Its not enforced in Canada. I heard because its a gateway drug. Eventually you will want a bigger high. and have to find it elsewhere. the more you do it the more it takes to get high. same with all drugs, even cigarettes. then you go to another drug. repeat the same thing then Overdose. thats how people overdose. well that and mixing drugs. I know you may laugh, But when you give yourself to the lord, you can get high on the holy spirit, Just read the bible with friends. you'll see.

  13. Both are addictive. Marijuana is a mild form of acid and needs to have its use monitored or controlled from a medical perspective.

  14. Alcohol is highly addictive. I don't know why you are saying alcohol isn't addictive. I know 2 people that died of alcoholism. One of my close friends is binging on alcohol and is probably going to die.  You have a good point about marijuana. But two wrongs don't make a right. Let's look at each case distinctively, but keep history in mind as a precedent for our laws. I believe Alcohol is much worse than marijuana. I abused marijuana for many years, and I'm not dead. I know relatives, and friends that have died from alcohol and speed. So obviously marijuana is not as bad. Just because it's not as bad doesn't mean it's harmless. I think we should base laws on this concept. If you can do something in moderation with no harm to society or yourself, then it should be legal. Both alcohol and marijuana pass the test. So I think marijuana should be legal. It is not legal mainly because the majority of the people do not smoke it, and for good reasons. At any rate it's bad for you in the long run especially if you smoke too much.

  15. taxes one is taxable the other isnt.. and they can be both addictive as there is a such thing as alcoholism and drug addiction..

  16. The problems with marijuana:

    1) It increases your risks for a heart attack by upwards of 400%

    2) It causes severe lung damage with prolonged use!

    3) It screws up your ability to have kids!

    4) It causes the inability to function properly, leading to many accidents.

    5) If you get popped on a drug test, your chances of holding security clearance are gone. Kiss that $250k job goodbye.

    6) It IS a gateway drug.

    The pluses:

    1) Its has medicinal value for some medical problems.

    2) It is a depressant, which can help releave stress.

    3) It helps with sleep problems

    4) It help to insure that you never have any junk food in your house.

    Both Alcohol and Marijuana are addictive.

  17. you are right. people get violent when drunk, but people rarely get violent when high on pot. it should be the other way around.  

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