
Why is all of the info on my yahoo home page over a month old??? why not up to date???

by  |  earlier

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same info in dog tips and lottery results for more than a month....same pics in news ??? what is the problem?????




  1. You probably need to clean your cache and refresh your browser.  Everything is up to date for me.

  2. I had similar problems for about a month, as did many others. It had/has nothing to do with cookies or a full cache or any of the other fixes suggested in Yahoo! FAQs. It was/is a Yahoo! bug of some sort.

    After numerous fruitless email exchanges with Yahoo! customer service, I determined that the only way to temporarily address it was to periodically switch back and forth between the new beta version of MyYahoo! ( and the original version. When one started to fail to refresh, I switched to the other for a short-term cure.

    At some point (knock on wood) the bug got fixed. Hope this works for you.

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