
Why is all the news on My Yahoo front page "2 weeks old"?

by  |  earlier

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Every news article shows as "2 weeks old". Refresh doesn't help, clear cache, etc. This happens fairly often. The stocks and weather are up to date, but the articles are all weeks old.




  1. Actually this is a widespread problem that many of us have been having for weeks now.  Yahoo! customer service seems annoyingly uninterested in fixing it.  Perhaps they haven't heard from enough of us yet.

    It has nothing to do with cookies or a full cache or any of the other fixes suggested in Yahoo! FAQs.  It's a bug of some sort.

    The only way I've been able to temporarily address it is to periodically switch back and forth between the new beta version of MyYahoo! ( and the original version. When one starts to fail to refresh, I switch to the other for a short-term cure.

    I do wish they'd fix it for good, however, and not just jerk around with us in customer service email exchanges.


  2. Don't complain...old news is better than no news...that's what i get most of the time NO NEWS i keep asking Microsoft about it but they just keep saying my problem IS NEWS TO THEM !!!  all kidding aside that has happened 2 me & a few of my friends & the only thing we found to do was reset-up ur page excluding all news media then re-edit ur page adding whatever news briefs u want

    I think by editing your page reboots all the info u want on it and  allows the site to install new cookies because some cookies do expire. you can also checkout your cookie list and scan it to make sure it's dependancies are still intact

  3. You have a problem with your cookies. I have this problem sometimes.

  4. probably because they havent updated it yet

  5. Detailed instructions re: Setting the update period for your content:

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