
Why is america soo bitter in the olympics?

by Guest66843  |  earlier

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okay obviously chinese are sooo much better in the gymnastics i think that the americans shouldn't have even scored close. they sucked. and they keep on posting articles on yahoo how the chinese are so unfair. YEAH RIGHT, the american gymnastics just suck!

okay first article was oh the chinese messed up one of the girl's concentration by having a delay and she had to wait a little YEAH RIGHT if she could do it she would have done it.. so stupid and imbarresed of that article

and now today's article is like oh chinese gymnasts were "too young" and then they were the right age and bla bla bla AMERICA IS BITTER!!

****, -i'm american but why is america so bitter? i hate those stupid excuse articles!




  1. You should also be "imbarresed" of your spelling and grammar.  

  2. **** you!!!

    America did good!! Don't hate that China didn't get individual Gold or Silver Medals!!

    I personally think China did great.. On Team.. But in Individual!!

    USA did GREAT!!!

  3. LOL! If we are sooo bad at gymnastics, why did our gymnasts go One, Two last night?........... Yeah! STFU!

    GO USA!!!

  4. Americans are not bitter but sometimes they fail to recognize how hypocritical they are to the rest of the world especially when complaining about cheaters or pretend that they don't play dirty politics either.  

  5. A lot of Americans are racist. They hate China and asians (and other minorities) are treated like c**p by white Americans. So that attitude is carried to the international stage where white people don't like to see non white people beat them. They start using their media to slander people when they start losing.

    Oh don't start talking about human rights either. The U.S. record for human rights is atrocious. Something like 500,000 dead Iraqi civilians.

  6. Yes, some Americans are bitter, but many are so not because they lost, but because of the age controversy. If those gymnasts on the Chinese team are under the age of sixteen then using them on the team is cheating. I have no problem with the fact that the Chinese men's gymnastics completely kicked a**, but I do have a problem with cheating.

    The age controversy is still not solved. There are *multiple* sources listing those girls ages as much younger than their government issued passports say they are.

    Wow, not only can you not spell the word 'embarrassed' even with the help of the *built-in* spell-checker, you also have just about the worst logic in the world. Rules are rules is somehow now a stupid argument? That explains so much about teens these days. By your reasoning, the North Korean Olympian whose medal got taken away from him today because he tested positive for banned substances should keep it.

  7. they arent bitter they are just focused

  8. Generations of Americans have been raised in a time where the US has had the largest economy, strongest military, most powerful government, and cultural dominance.

    Thus, it is expected that the US should always win, no matter what, even in the relatively trivial area of sports.  Losing even once means that the other guys MUST have cheated, simply because the superiority of the US is a given.

  9. In reference to the first article you mentioned: In case you don't know, most everything in sports is mental.  If you're not mentally ready, you're not going to do well.  It's as simple as that.

    For example, Sasha Cohen came out for a short program extremely confident and scored the highest in that round.  She skated her long program without that confidence, skated poorly, and suffered for it.

    Another example: Katie Hoff was leading the 400 free going toward the wall at the end.  She messed up her finish and hasn't even come close to winning any other event.

    Another example: Laure Manaudou entered the games as a defending champ and a World Champ from the previous year.  However, she had so many things going on outside the pool, she could not concentrate and ended up swimming poorly.

    Another example: James Blake had three match points in his last match and lost.  One reason was because he couldn't focus after arguing a call about the ball hitting his opponents racket frame.  The ref said it didn't hit and awarded the point to Gonzalas, despite the fact that Blake was right and the ball hit the frame, which would have been Blake's point.

    In reference to the second article: I think that's half complaining - half investigative journalism.  They really shouldn't be in the games because they are too young.

  10. Anyone from any country can show bad sportmanship - very few Americans do.   But the criminal abuse of those young girls from China, and the obvious lying about their age, is really deplorable, far beyond someone being a bad sport.  

  11. America has a gymnastic history and they proved yesterday that the USA deserved high scores. In the Individual gymnastic events the USA won Gold And Silver. Everything was beautifully done and it shut the whole world up about the Americans so SUCK ON THAT!

    I believe that the chinese gymnasts DID NOT CHEAT!

    Congrats China!

    Go Team USA!

    btw- The media is the one making all the Chinese cheating stories (most of which are European so cut the c**p on Americans!)

    Ali VDS is amazing 22 is Dead on! Best answer here


  12. I am embarrassed of your spelling.  Stay in school and maybe pay some attention in class instead of showing your ignorance on Yahoo answers!

  13. Yes because the Chinese were sooo truthful about the girl they got to sing at the opening ceremony. It's bad enough that they LIED about it, but it's even worse that they didn't let the real girl sing because she wasn't pretty. After this fine display of honesty, America has a right to question China's motives. I don't have anything against the Chinese, but the fact that they have little to no respect for human life makes any argument against America weak. At least there's no question about the ages of our Olympic gymnasts. If you seriously think people can't tell how old the Chinese Olympic gymnasts are, you're completely naiive. It's not only America that can see that, but other countries as well. Maybe if China started treating people like well, PEOPLE instead of possesions, America wouldn't be given so much reason to question the integrity of China. Their have been way too many incidents. And you obviously hate America but you're certainly reaping all the benefits aren't you? You say, "They act like they put those girls in jailhouses blah blah blah" You've probably NEVER experienced that kind of training. That one girl on the Chinese team see's her parents ONCE a year and even when she wanted to quit, her parents said, "This will be good for the family." You wouldn't be so hot on China if you had to hold up honor for your family. Especially if you did something wrong, that's it. You'll lose all value as a person. You can say that's not true, but if it wasn't, those Chinese girls wouldn't feel the need to hold the weight of the entire coutry on their back. They even talk about how much pressure it is. You're just a prime example of a spoiled rotten American who bites the hand that feeds you. If you love China so much, move over there. You'll see how great it is. If you actually watched the training they put those girls through, you'd see that some of them were crying from the pain. Be grateful for what you have.

  14. You mean U.S. or United Estates of America, because America still is the name of the American Continent,  Just because they are sore loser's,;...      and;...  

  15. I think its all young olympians having troubles with accepting 2nd and 3rd place not so much Americans.  I've noticed lots of bad sportsmanship throughout the Olympics this time around.  

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