
Why is an orange called an orange and a banana not called a yellow?

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Why is an orange called an orange and a banana not called a yellow?




  1. Because humans are illogical, captain.

  2. The name for a banana probably comes from aztec or mayan words but an orange came from latin which is what the english language came from.

  3. Because not all banana is yellow.there are green and we must call it in another name.

  4. Why are pants, underwear, glasses, etc. are sold in pairs, but bra is a single unit?

  5. another one of those things we don't know and probably never will. just like did the chicken come first or the egg?  

  6. well why is anything called what it is called .... ?

            why are we here what is our purpose? .. i mean basically all people do it eat sleep work go to the toilet and make babies

    what is the point ??

         why is anything the way it is ... ??

    there are lots of questions we can ask but there is no one to answer them ...... so why is there these questions .. that we can ask ... but get no answer to .... ???

    hmmm makes you wonder ......


  7. Wow, how deep.........................hehehehe.

  8. y r 'reds' barbituates and 'greens' vegetables?

  9. That is a very good question for which I do not know the "question".

  10. I go with whoever said "which came first".

    Why do we call it a shipment when it goes by truck and why is it a cargo when goes by ship?

  11. because if they did, i would think that would be retarted.

  12. well, then, why is and apple called apple?

  13. Sorry, I call themYellows.

  14. What color was a carrot, before they discovered oranges?

  15. Oh lordy.....

    The orange had an advantage because it got called an orange because of an equivalent term in latin.

    Bananas on the other hand was not discovered until later (they grow in tropical climates).

    By then, the word yellow has been used to denote pigment, not a fruit. Orange was the name of the pigment to describe the fruit. (fruit came before the naming of pigment) vs pigment being named "yellow" before they got introduced to the fruit.

    Besides, when they early bananas came, they were still green so it was daffy to call them yellow. They were yellow INSIDE and only when ripe.

    Please do not delve into brown to black  bananas next o great questioner in philosophy.

  16. OPranges, when ripe are actually more yellow than orange with green around the stem end. The orange color you see in the supermarket is a dye that is applied to make the fruit look more appealing.

  17. Ah, but what came first - the color or the fruit?

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