
Why is anyone STILL voting Republican?

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Are those people stupid, ignorant, greedy or what ?

Where have they been the last eight years ? Haven't they been paying attention ?

Here are the low lights of the past eight years under George Bush ( who IS a Republican in case you didn't know) :

1. Five years in a mismanaged war that got started under the false pretense that Iraq had WMDs and that they some how had something to with 9/11.

2. Increased spending without incoming revenue that has resulted in a budget deficit in the hundreds of billions that has contributed to a Federal Deficit in excess of $9 trillion.

3. The Republicans have continually been caught in ethics scandals and moral shortcomings despite the fact that they came to power as the "moral party".

And the list goes on and on and on.

Why would anyone vote for them this year considering what a lousy job they have done over the last eight ?!




  1. i dont get why most people are still limiting themselves

    to either repub or demo

    when there are better options

    that the media doesnt let us see

  2. Some people just drink the kool aide.

  3. uninformed people vote republican and were actually moved by Palin's speech. People who have no real concept of this war would vote republican. Can anyone see how GWB has been forced to distance himself from this election for this reason. The republican party=no change.

  4. McCain snub Bush through out this whole convention and Bush is pissed. They have got total confusion over who is the leader of that party. It can't be McCain hes not that well liked, it can't be Palin nobody knows her. This might be the end for this party.

  5. I am undecided as yet, and Independent.

    Bush is not the candidate.  I agree with much of what you say as being lowpoints of his administrations.

    So, why you might ask are people not completely infatuated with Obama.  I speak of the Independents, and in this case, only for myself.  I am still sitting on the fence, even though once considered to be quite far left of center, because I do not at all agree with ultraliberal policy stances.  I do not want to see attempts by the arrogant far-left idealogues, once in power, to establish a socialist state.  I have still not seen a correct vetting of Sen. Obama that would tend to explain what in his personal life journey has influenced his personal politics as they now exist.  At this point in time, and I am waiting to be convinced otherwise, if Sen. Obama can not find a way to let us into his head, and if he continues to avoid difficult questions by calling people racist if they dare asking, then I will probably wind up considering him to be simply too much of a risk and unqualified.  I still have not been caught up in the fervor of "Change you can believe in", as I have closely examined his economic policy proposals, which he defines as the "New Realism", and have as yet found nothing distinguishing it from the oft-seen "old liberalism" put into the oven, and warmed up again.  I would imagine that as I, many other Independents are still waiting for Sen. Obama to divest himself of this celebrity candidature and get down to the nitty gritty, so that we can decide!

  6. 1. You don't know what you talking about.  If you don't understand why we went into Iraq, just say so.  There are plenty of us that can help you.

    2. You whine about the deficit yet your boy wants to add yet another trillion to it just on his socialist programs and only grow every year.  

    3.  You really don't want to go down this road.  Not with the likes of Fienstien and Jefferson out there and those are only two of many.

    Just because the media is not hyping them, it does not obsolved them.  

  7. Your argument is weak. It'd be like if I said, "I can't vote for Obama because Bill Clinton, ANOTHER DEMOCRAT, was a horrible president." Not all Democrats are like and not all Republicans are alike. John McCain is not George W. Bush. Bush should have listened to McCain earlier about the surge. And John McCain has pushed major ethics reform while Senator. The fact that he's so opposed to pork barrel when all Obama and Hillary have done since being in the Senate is send pork home should count for something, even in your eyes.

  8. Because Democrats are insane...

  9. Sick how people blame Bush like is the all powerful demigod of America. Congress voted for all that ****! They are the ones to blame as much or more than he is. Our Government sux! The Democrats are no better. Look how much better things are now that they are the majority in congress..  not! Wake up!

  10. I really don't know why anyone would. After all McCain has voted with Bush over 90% of the time. So they way I see it if he gets elected things are only going to get like what 10% better IF that? I really don't see how people can be so stupid. Its almost like they ignore the fact that economy, and housing is going bad, and people are losing jobs left and right. Hopefully Obama can fix all the mess ups with our government today before its to late.    

  11. G.O.P. R.I.P. We Won't Get Fooled Again!

  12. Oil.

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