
Why is at least one person better than me at everything?

by Guest60641  |  earlier

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I enter speech contests, i never win

i play tennis and never win

i get grades but never the best

and so on




  1. i feel the same also..

    i play guitar but not as good as my cousin, who draws more of a crowd than me.

    he sings so much better also and has the potential to be famous..

    my friend is better than me in gymnastics, and is alot more fearless than me when we climb buildings.

    and the list goes on.

  2. dont worry...the most incompetent people can become successful....think of all the people that can f**t better than you

  3. No one can be perfect.  Think about how great you're already doing!  Of course it's frustrating to not be first, but you can't be first in everything.  It's usually better to be well-rounded and do a lot of things well than to do only one thing great.  Think about that and development yourself as a well-rounded person.

    The other option (if you really don't like that idea) is to try to focus more on one thing you like.  Maybe you should consider whether you're too spread out right now and can't focus enough on the things you really care about.  Is there something you really want to be the best at?  You might not achieve "the best" (I mean, there are a lot of people out there in the world), but you might get to be the best among your peer group.

    The law of averages is that someone will always be a little better or that you'll feel that they are.  Try appreciating what you accomplish -- there are probably people who wish they were as good as you at those things!

  4. You're one person amongst billions. It's always highly likely that there exists at least one person who is better than you at something.

    Don't feel bad; the vast majority of people are mediocre. That's what being mediocre means.

  5. AS the man once said " There will always be a faster gun But there'll never be another one like you."

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