
Why is australian rugby league just so good?

by  |  earlier

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this may or may not be a rhetorical question.




  1. LOL. I think u are in the wrong Yahoo for this sort of talk!

  2. Too many reasons to list, but it is entertaining & tough, goes international & we have a good record in Int. footy.

  3. Gee's where to start !  It's the best , i love

    the fact there's no Ariel Ballet , like union

    that's what i call it anyway, but i do watch

    both fact any good sports person has

    a few sports they love and support!

    I have to say my Rugby League is Best and

    it's a much faster smoother game......that is

    my opinion, i do worry about some of the

    serious injuries and am amazed really how

    there is not a lot more !  It's defenitely not a

    game for the week!!!!  Would love to see less

    Dirty plaly as it benefits nobody......

  4. its the game they play in heaven,,thats why !!

  5. sfs

  6. because it just is :)

    so entertaining

  7. Because they play in much better weather conditions continually and their training methods are far superior

  8. It's hard to understand why we're so much better at it than England and NZ. There's a big gap there.

  9. As much as I like RL I am not sure it's that good.  It's only played in 4 countries and it's not even the national code for Australia. If you believe David Gallop and others it is actually under threat ... from the other codes.  Australia is not that big and has four football codes competing for audiences (people who pay) and RL is probably running at number 3.

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