
Why is bark coming off black walnut?

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The bark has been gradually loosening and coming off. It started at the base a couple years ago and is working it's way upward. I'm sure the tree is at least 60+ years old. I hope it's not dying--would hate to cut it down, but don't want it falling on the house, either.




  1. I wouldn't get too excited yet.  What does the rest of the tree look like?  Any dead limbs or bark falling from them?  When most trees die it becomes obvious at the top first, and in spite of what one poster told you the bark is not the "lifeline" of the tree.  Get an expert opinion before you do any thing rash, like cutting down a sixty year old (From the photos I expect it is a bit older than that) tree.    

  2. I hate to telll you this, but it looks like your tree is dying.  No healthy tree would show the dry lifeless wood under neath where the bark should be and a space betwee the ground and the trunk.  It is a sure sign of dying.  if you are afraid of the tree falling on the house, it is time to cut the tree down.  When a tree loses its bark that is losing its life line...there is no way of it getting its nourishment to the leaves etc.  

  3. you need an expert arborist now.... there may be a way to save this tree, but it will take the pro to tell you how... and if ..... good luck...

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