
Why is baseball so boring?

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Why is baseball so boring?




  1. Why are you such a douche bag!  Woo hoo 2 points.  Ask this question again, I can call you a douche all day and get paid for it!

  2. A very appropriate name you have there.

    Baseball isn't boring. You may think it is, but that doesn't mean everyone else thinks so. So might I ask you to please shut up and stop trolling.

  3. Its not as boring as golf, but not as action-packed as football.

    Its in the middle because its a more tedious and skilled sport.

    Its a lot easier to hold a football and run down the field to score, but hitting a major league fastball with a bat thats just as wide as the ball takes a LOT more coordination.   Similarly, hitting a golf ball 300 yards into a little gopher hole takes even more skill and coordination than baseball or football.

    So its all relative.....

  4. Because 100% of folks who ask that question really do not understand the complexity of the game. All other ball sports are "easy" compared to baseball.

  5. why dont you go suck urself haha i bet ur gonna go do that

  6. hey guys just stop answer his questions

  7. I know that many people do not like baseball because of its slow pace. But once you get into the strategy of it, you find that it’s a thinking man’s game. It’s kind of like chess but with physical activity added. Also, you can never rule out the team that’s behind because no matter what the score is, “it ain’t over till it’s over,” - Yogi Berra. But, if it’s not for you then it’s not for you. I only suggest looking at it through a more mental aspect. And remember, one of the hardest things to do in sports is to hit a 90 mph baseball with a wooden bat and making it go 400 feet plus.

  8. its not boring

    if you dont like then watch it dumbass

  9. Why are you so depressed that you need to make yourself feel better by hiding behind a computer and a fake name and making fun of people who could easily knock you down a peg (both verbally and physically) in person?

  10. it ok if you do not like baseball because that is your choice not to like it

  11. because it requires no endurance and it can last for hours and hours and HOURS, the players are not as athletic as other sports, the DH(designated hitter) is just a professional fat guy, and there is a chance a regular guy off the street can beat at least 40% of the MLB players in a footrace.

  12. I can't wait for school to start, & limit the time you're on here!!!!!!!

  13. It is boring Dork because you don't understand what you are watching. Baseball is not about a player throwing a ball and someone is trying to hit it. There is a lot of things going on and you are not getting it. Oh and are you watching it with a beer in your hand?

  14. Because you dont understand it.

  15. WHY would someone name THEMSELVES Dork? That's a situation where honesty can be avoided.

  16. this is your opinion.

  17. It is not boring at all for those that are informed on the game, may have played previously, or have a string interest in a certain team.


  18. its not boring it is a very fun sport

  19. Why are you a troll? Really, you must have a very lonely life. You have been coming here asking the same question in a group you clearly don't like for weeks now. What a pathetic, boring life you must have.

  20. why do you have nothing better to do than tell us an opinion we don't care about

    go get a life. go outside or read a book. actually.....go outside and play in traffic

  21. why are you a dork

  22. Its not unless your team is losing

    But I think you should find a team you like and

    then give baseball a chance

    I didnt like it but

    Then my mom's boyfriend got me into it

  23. why does your opinion suck? ^^^^ **** off guy above me

  24. it stands out from all the other sports because this one is more organized, and has more limits. I think it's one of the few sports that are better to be heard on the radio.

  25. y r in tha baseball sec to ask a stupid question like this?  y do u like to ask stupid question?  i hate it when people ask question against a sport in that sport that's just flat out stupid

  26. I agree that sometimes baseball can be boring..but not all the time

    If you're bored watching your team(well if you have one), just go check the highlights

  27. WHY ARE YOU g*y

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