I have been thinking about this for a few years. I have always wondered why the news makes such a big deal about a Boy Scout, becoming an Eagle Scout. And you do not hear much at all about a Girl Scout getting her Gold Award. The Gold Award and becoming an Eagle Scout in Boy Scouts are equal to each other. So why all the attention to the Boy Scout??? Here is an article in our local news paper that came out this week, about a boy who has not even become an Eagle scout yet: http://www.sthelenastar.com/articles/2008/07/31/news/local/doc4891205257064714712330.txt
Does anybody know why the difference between the Eagle Scout getting all the attention and a Girl Scout who just put as much work as a Boy Scout getting her Gold award and she gets not much of anything in a news paper, if she is lucky.
Jennifer, Girl Scout 1976-1992
Gold Award Recipient - April 1992