
Why is being a poet so frustrating? Is it because nobody really cares?

by  |  earlier

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Nightly surfing this web,

this cobweb for breath,

fresh air from fresh words,

oops a link broken,

poetry not spoken.

Promises of romance,

of love, of compassion,

and passionate s*x,

of truth, of honesty,

and all the insanity

neatly indexed.

Angst again and again,

as I felt the spit,

of yet another page,

of this passionless pit.

Drowning in chagrin,

examining the content,

searching for meaning,

among the mentally spent,

who ramble toward endless,

verbal destinations,

that lead to garbage laden

overfilled consternation.

Irritated, bewildered,

lacking a clue,

ranting on my keyboard

for the talented few.

Please! soak me, bind me, lure me,

into a verbal experience,

where the wind, the rain,

and the seasons greet me,

before I am spent.

Browser still stalling

still more missing links,

text leading from nowhere,

circling drains in kitchen sinks.

fFustrated and tired

I abandon the plight,

I click on the icon

of my favorite of sites.

where I find the link,

that magically takes me home,

to the pages of a poet

I've always known.

His stanzas are not broken

they flow like a river,

his words pound your heart

they always deliver.

He doesn't use weird adjectives

to confuse your mind,

and it's not by accident,

it's by creative design.

Oh, my readers can't you see,

his poetic world and its text based themes,

painting palette-less pictures for you to see,

all that he is and all that he dreams.




  1. I think your poem is great. You possess real talent. Please nourish this gift, and don't ever let anyone discourage you. People as a rule care, but rarely does one find someone like you.

    Talented people are often ostracized, out of jealousy. They recognize their limitations, and are reluctanct to acknowledge your superiority.

    Don,t let this go to your head, but at the same time be yourself, and don't stoop to their level.

    Remember this: Talented people usually only feel comfortable around people like themselves. Their group is restricted. Often, you will feel alone and misunderstood. All poets are sensitive. The more sensitive you are the more you suffer.Avoid pain by becoming friends with people that have similar interests and sensibilities.

    Good luck! Follow your dream!

  2. Nicely done,,,The painted picture is clear to see..

    Goes to prove Spell Checker's not perfect,,,Just Annoying  

  3. Imagine a field in front of you with a thousand cow pats, gently steaming, fragrant.

    Under one of those cow pats is a key to a safety deposit box containing a priceless, beautiful, diamond

    You have no gloves.

    Not all those who post here are Byron or Blake admittedly, but there are the occasional gems. Personally, I find the search exhilarating.

  4. Poetry is the life-ring we throw readers...indeed, it IS worth it. And, when you look, you'll find good!! poets on is worth the effort!!!

    And, your poem proves what I said...!! Keep on, keep up, keep writing!!!

  5. a poet's being is subtle influences. its not that nobody cares we need all this emotional complex to be more affective and effective to your readers. i love this. thank you for bumoing at you here at yahoo :)

  6. Poetry is an art, like painting, sculpture, playing and composing music. Few attain greatness. Nonetheless, the search is worth it. Even on this site, you will find, if you have the time to search, moments of near-greatness. Surely you will find poems that will not fill your intellect with frustration.

    In my opinion, the search is worth the effort. Among the dross, I daily find grains of pure gold.

  7. This is a really good.

  8. My throat inculcates child-like gurglings

    Which can only be understood by the Universe.

  9. painting with words,

    can be quite the hand full,

    but what good is whey and curds,

    with out a spider so playful,

    its little legs crawling about,

    sending chills from the surface,

    to your spine and throughout,

    enveloped like twine,

    from the look on your face,

    must be nice,

    to be looking in to looking out,

    best you rest, with this moons misting way,

    the morrows are plenty,

    as are these spiders and whey,

    life's never so empty, as you run away,

    such a lone little spider with little to say,



    interesting poem, simple verses, yet well detailed as whole ,


  10. I like this.  You clearly like to use words and know how to use them as tools and even weapons.

    Very good writing.

  11. i'm not a poet in any way, shape or form, but i do enjoy reading them. you and your fellow poets have a gift not meant for everyone, and that's the way it should be......welcome to y/a.

  12. Cool! This is really deep & serious thinking. Maybe the spell checker understands poetic justice?

  13. "Bravo!"


  14. Poetry is really objective you like what you like.

  15. Admitting defeat

    Sitting in the footprint of a dinosaur

    Sunken to humbleness

    Taking the one-month challenge to learn responsibility, progressiveness, acceptance, and what's it called?

    oh yeah   LOVE

    Watch out the test is massive and has everything to do with the material for once

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