
Why is being a tomboyish sporty girl in camo such a turn off for guys?

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do i have to wear dresses and makeup and act all girly to get a guy, why cant i just be myself, and independent. i am a size 8, 164cm ash blondish and dont dress up, my hair is pulled in a low pony tail and i always love to wear camo and a top - usually black or white. i guess they think i am g*y ? is that true - do i have to weare girly cloths to get noticed?




  1. there's nothing wrong with you, there's something wrong with them lol

  2. Guys (the ones who are straight) don't like other guys. If you look like a guy then you're pretty much a guy.

  3. no. you have to find guys who like your style.

  4. That's just what men are attracted to.

    It's not fair, but that's how most people operate.

    What can you do about it?

    Choose what's most important, your integrity or the attention you desire?

  5. it's not your problem of being what you are. guys normally think that you are L*****n so they won't get close to you. well i'm a g*y, sometimes i loves girls too especially with short hair and sporty looks.... maybe they look like guys too hehehe

  6. dont wear girly clothes just to get noticed. thats f.ucking stupid !  one day you will find a guy that will love you unconditionally. and he wont care what you wear, he will love you for you. :) so dont change your appearance to get guys,, wear what YOU want

  7. Well its such a turn off to us guys well most guys that they think of tomboys as just "one of the guys" and no u dont have to change who u r and i agree find somebody who is interested in ur style u dont have to change urself for anybody hope it helped

  8. Short Answer: It's not

    Long Answer: I love tomboys, they are more fun and real about stuff. Guys like a girl they can hang out with, but there is a line there where a guy doesn't want a girl whose best friends with his best friends. It's weird. Personally I love a girl whose fit, like I'm in shape and I like a girl who can keep up with me, it comes in handy. I like a girl I can play fight with and not have her complain. I dig short hair on some girls too. However, the camo might make you seem like a L*****n. Then again I like both guys and girls so who knows if I know what I'm talking about.

    BTW: be happy with who you are.

  9. I like tomboys. I think they are usually more fun to talk to.

    You probably put off a more assertive appearance, so act it and I'm sure things will go fine. Be aggressive if you dress the male part, and make the first steps to pickup a guy.

  10. No I like girls who dress like that

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