
Why is being a working mom, career woman, and strong female leader a bad thing to Democrats?

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I thought the Dems are for the "women's issues".

I guess that doesnt include career advancement, equal opportunity, equal pay, access to political power....just free condoms and taxpayer paid abortions?




  1. If John McCain thought that choosing Sarah Palin would attract Hillary Clinton voters, he is badly mistaken.

    The only similarity between her and Hillary Clinton is that they bith have boobies. On the issues, they could not be further apart.

  2. Those aren't bad things. Hillary Clinton excels at all of them

    Sarah Palin, on the other hand, not so much.

  3. You are full of nonsense and I laugh at your meager mind.

  4. Did you miss Hillary Clinton?

  5. when you are working to hinder the rights of women

    its bad

    when you work to impose Abstinance only as education for America's teens its WRONG

    Just ask Bristol if it works !!

    when you work for earmarks of $40 million dollars for a bridge for a town of 5000 thats WASTEFUL & BAD

    Bush was all against that before saying it was the Democrats but we see the truth NOW

  6. The liberal media is part of the democrat party and they must systematically destroy every true conservative leader or anyone they see as a threat to their liberal way of life. This has been going on for decades but it is getting worse.

  7. Where do you come up with this c**p?  If memory serves me right, McCain was the one who has issues with women and his selection for VP does nothing to change my mind.  Additionally, Palin is not an advocate for womens rights!

  8. Nice try on the sexist Democrat try but CNN's Roland Martin explained it perfectly:

    If it's sexist to criticize Palin, then it's racist to criticize Obama.


  9. Hypocrisy about family values is a bad thing.  

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