
Why is being honest so difficult for some people ?

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Why is being honest so difficult for some people ?




  1. Because they have goals other than that (like  success, for example).  

    And you will notice how much they believe in those "other" goals by looking at them - some really do for a while.

  2. I ask the same question all the time. I blame it on upbringing. If their parents lied to them about things, or didn't scold them when they lied. Kids have to be taught that lieing is NOT acceptable. Even little white lies.

    I'm not saying I'm perfect, no one is.

  3. they start out as children telling small lies to avoid punishment or to gain approval and love, it becomes a part of their personality

  4. Because they are usually have a lot to hide.

  5. They have a lot to hide(Obama) They have more to hide and it's not in their genetic makeup(Hillery)

  6. some people are just truly cruel and evil people and know no better.... where some people are just so darn sweet that they use "little white lies" to not hurt someones feelings... but in my eyes honesty is the best answer!!!! you must have trust and communication for any relationship you are in... friends, lovers, family, s.o.'s.....

    Always be honest!!!!

  7. Because in this world, your opinion can get you incarcerated, castigated, or killed.

  8. Some people have a fear of hurting people, while others have a fear of hurting their reputations or any other perception of themselves, rather it's not being labeled as a trouble maker or someone who is clumsy.

    And sometimes being too honest is a hard thing as well, most people aren't fans of opinionated realist, who jump at the shot to express any and all truth no matter harsh it may be.

    So society is built on a balance, little white lies about a dress isn't bad, sometimes encourage to help the others confidence, but other lies can put you in jail.

  9. Because honesty requires truth.  We all acquire defense mechanisms we use for a positive result. However, I have since I assessed what I brought with me to contribute to opportunity presented,  Honesty is not the enemy.  Deception is.

  10. Good question, as the word tells us the truth will set  us free. and it also,s tells us not to lie. It also tell you a lot about the character of a person.What's so bad about the person that they have to be dis-honest with you. .Red Flags, to me.

  11. people don't tell the truth because they are struggling to be honest even with themselves.  people begin lying when they are young because of fears - fears of getting in trouble or dissappointing.  instead of parents encouraging the truth more than the action.  also when i grew up organized religion taught fear so people needed to hide from others and themselves.  so people grow up continuing to do so and just never realize the importance of being honest.

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