I have read several posts that talk about a wife being submissive to her husband. I have seen so many angry women and misguided men saying a woman should never be submissive to her husband, they are equal...etc, etc. But I think that people have the wrong view on the word submission. I am a submissive wife, but being submissive does not mean being a doormat, a mute or a weak person. Being submissive is letting your husband take the lead, the way God intended. My husband and I discuss every major change, decision and obsticle in our lives. He listens to me and more than often goes with my advise or decisions, when he doesn't, I am submissive and allow him to make the final decision. There is nothing wrong with that. B4 I get posts of what if he wants to gamble all the money away, if your husband is filled with Christ his attentions toward the team is never in malice. I am not foolish enough to let him gamble away all the money or the like. Is it the word submission that scares