
Why is bill clinton one of the greatest presidents of the usa?

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well, i hear alot of ppl saying it..just tell mi why he was.




  1. I keep wondering that myself, but never seem to come up with an answer

  2. I don't hear a lot of people saying that. I hear more saying he is a convicted felon, habitual liar and cheat. Where do you hear nonsense like that?

  3. Because he made us actually doubt the meaning of "is" as what is is. As stupid as that sounds, he did it! and Monica too. Yet he still managed to rate among one of the most popular presidents of our time....go Bill!!

  4. I voted for him twice. He was a terrible President, he just got lucky with the technology/internet boom during his term. He did nothing memorable (other than the intern) during his Presidency.

  5. What did Clinton do , lets see.

    1.Had the largest increased in Uninsured americans of any president ever. When uninsured went from 9 percent when he was elected to 16.8 percent, the record high, by 1998.

    2. He increased the trade deficit by over 1,304 percent.

    3. he attacked,invaded or bombed, six different countries on four separate continents, all without Congressional or UN approval.

  6. He wasn't.  He has great personality but he actually was more Republican than most Democrats.  He helped ship our jobs out of the country and allowed our media to be changed so only 5 big businesses now own all our media.  That why Fox news is bad, and the rest of it is entertainment.

    But he was probably one of the most honest presidents because they spent a warchest of money investigating him and all they could dig up was a dirty dress.  Monica should be remembered as the girl that would do anything to bring down a president, because she was a set up from day one.  How do I know?  Because NOBODY keeps dresses like that.  Absolutely NOBODY that really cares.  She was a total set up.  The GOP will do anything to show their temporary power.  They don't know how to handle power.  Everytime they get any, they get the credit card maxed out and go to war.  Every time.  

    Not great, but at least honest.

    He sure can talk.  I'm listening to him right now (at the DNC)Go get 'em 'Slick.

  7. I see a lot of the Neocons have nothing to do this evening, so I'll just say this and go away. Bill lied about a B.J. and was impeached for it....that was all he did wrong. The Neocons spent 50 million dollars trying to get rid of him, money that could have been spent on better things, and it failed, because he really had the American people's welfare in the forefront, helping the poor, the impoverished, he paid down the debt and left office with the first surplus for the next President, passed numerous bills the right wanted crushed....well, it's all in the record, despite others trying to dissuade you. Bill will, and has, gone done in history as one of the greatest. Please do some of your own research, and let me leave you this link...

  8. he wasn't

    he just lived off the Reagan programs.

    clinton did nothing

  9. - Presided over the longest period of economic growth in US history

    - Left office with an enormous government surplus

    - Left office with a world generally well-disposed towards America

    - P.I.M.P.

  10. Because he protected the rights of terrorists to take flight lessons in the US and he never felt bad about doing it... still doesn't feel bad.

  11. He isn't.

  12. What you talkin' about Willis?

  13. He was a good president, not sure about a one of the greatest.  He did lower the national debt, while leading the country during one of its greatest economic growth periods of our history.  But he was no Abe Lincoln.  

  14. One word: internet.  

  15. Hurry up with the punchline already

  16. I don't think anyone thinks he's one of the greatest of all time, however he did lead America through a time of amazing wealth.

    He may not have created the wealth, but he didn't hurt things either.  

  17. Bill Clinton had the Internet bubble. He had nothing to do with it.

    Every time Social Security was borrowed from , stolen from or taxed it came from a Democrat Congress and President.  This is what he did to pull the wool over peoples eyes about the economy.

    Less we forget the suitcases full of cash brought into the White House by the Communist Chinese and the delivering of our guidence systems for Intercontinental missiles to them.

    Here. This is from the Congressional Budget Office from March 1999. How Clinton reduced the debt and increased it at the same time. Wait a second you can't reduce it and increase it at the same time. Right. He increased at the expense of Social Security.

    Yesterday the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its preliminary re estimate of the White House budget. This follows the Joint Committee on Taxation's (JCT) re estimate of the Clinton White House's tax provisions last week. Together, CBO and JCT are Congress' official estimators -- nonpartisan entities that Clinton himself promised to use when he first took office back in 1993.

    President Clinton has promised to protect Social Security, to reduce the debt to the maximum extent possible, to control spending, and reduce taxes. But, Congress' official estimators show that on all four counts, the President's budget fails. Instead, Clinton's budget raids the Social Security trust fund for $158 billion in five years, it artificially erases the surplus, it lowers the public debt less than doing nothing would, it increases spending, and it raises taxes by $89.7 billion over the 1999-2009 period.

    Clinton Raids Social Security: According to CBO, Clinton spends $40 billion of the Social Security surplus in his budget's first year (2000) and $158 billion over the first five years (2000-2004).

    This is the same Social Security surplus that he has promised to save in its entirety.

    This is the biggest reason S.S. is in trouble.

  18. He wasn't. He was one of the greatest politicians.

  19. he wasn't..

    were do you think the mess we are facing today came from kid....?

    the war against Muslim extremists STARTED under him in 1993 and the FIRST WT attack..

    but he ignored it, and passed it on to Bush....!

    he cut the military in HALF the reason today we have the small military we have...I KNOW I am a 20 years vet of the 91 we had 600 ships by 1999 after the "peace dividend military cuts" we were down to less than 300...

    the army lost also half its force due to Bil's cuts, from 24 army divisions in 1991 and the reason we kicked butt in the 91 war to the pathetic 12 division Left by 1999....

    also the air force...

    no kid, If it was up to vets like me he would have been court marshaled...!

    he left us UNDEFENDED when the war was getting hotter, remember the USS Cole bombing?

    no, he is one of the worse!

  20. he was the first president to get a ******** while conducting business on the phone in the oval office.

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