
Why is blind patriotism the norm in this country?

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Why do Americans (I am one) get so offended without even thinking when you talk about whats wrong in this country. I was oppossed to the war all along and to things like torture etc that have went on. I used to speak freely but you know what happened?

People hated me. I had one guy tell me he would fight me anywhere anytime because I posted a link on myspace showing the torture at Abu Ghraib. He was an ex Marine. And before I get a bunch of stupid comments, the guy and myself are friends now, we just don't talk politics and we both train MMA together ( so save all the "he should beat ur un american blah blah blah).

My question is why is it that in this country it's red white and blue or nothing at all. It's like if you question the government or how things are run in this country with out being called unpatriotic.

Is America the Deep South of the world when it comes to brain activity?




  1. The last part is because of widespread corruption. Bush never held the Presidency legally. If you are patriotic then I guess it means you don't have to think or question then you just have to have faith. Isn't that the right's mantra? I did vote for Bush once. I voted 3rd party in the last election. I was against the war in Iraq from the beginning too. I didn't like all the propaganda for it. It was everywhere. I was not convinced. When something is being shoved down everyone's throats it's when I have a natural tendency to stop and say, wait a minute, are we doing the right thing? Something is not right. It's never that easy, especially for something like war. Do you remember all the uproar with the Dixie Chicks and then the death threat? I recently watched most of Shut Up and Sing. When you saw the whole thing in context it was quite different what she said and its impact. Most of the hillbilly stupid heads probably would have done what she did. How can we have this freedom of speech thing and then go so against it? They really are that stupid that they can't see by attacking her strongly that everyone would be afraid of speaking openly. It's not that difficult if you think about it.  

  2. Since this is the country we live in, work and play in when people start saying all the 'wrong' about it,like media does in a daily basis, you just are thowing negative around.

    Nobody likes a negative person it creates bad karma and doesn't make you any friends.

    If you hate a country so much to vocally criticize remember nobody makes you live here, like so many other countries where your stuck living there no matter how much you hate it.  

    This is a free country and your free to leave and find something better.  But we are all going to bet that you won't find any country better.

    ps. the president deserves respect if nothing else... the office is difficult and look at the people trying to take his place? Neither are high qualitity but who wants the job when the media and people like you are making nasty comments daily?.. you certainly couldn't take the amount of hate on a daily basis yourself so stop doing it to others.

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

  3. It is possible to be patriotic and have oppositions to the way things are done.  However, it depends on how you protest.  It is possible to seem unpatriotic if, in your protests, there is an underlying tone of "this country sucks."

    As for Bush, it is impossible to consider the effects of electing the other guy... so to say electing Bush twice makes us stupid is invalid because now we are making the statement with hindsight, something we didn't have as much of then.  Its extremely easy to criticize the past...

    Try to look at this from both sides.  Sure, folks who initially opposed the war were basically ostracized (just a political tactic).  But look how people are treated who support sealing the border from ILLEGAL immigration.  They are considered racists.  Or, people who oppose Obama's views are also accused of being racists, religious nuts  who cling to their guns and Bibles...

  4. Real patriots aren't afraid to ask questions.  It is possible to maintain a love for America and still insist that there are serious problems with America that need to be fixed, and fixed now.

    Keep doing what you're doing, and know that there are a lot of Americans, myself included, who will respect you for it.  Our government is supposed to fear its citizenry, not the other way around.

    P.S. - As for Bush being "elected" twice in a row, I encourage you to look at the election controversies of 2000 and 2004.  You'll find a great many things that will probably motivate you to demand true voting reform.

  5. Because very much like religion....those who shout loudest against questioning the authority are usually covering up a lack of true this case refusing to accept that US has problems and attack those who do state such things is a cover to disguise their utter hatred for the US.

    Now it is true people died for our rights and we should respect that..such as the freedom of speech.  Someone died so we could speak our minds those who attack what is said are basically pissing on the graves of everyone who died for our rights.

    As Americans we not only have the right..but the DUTY to speak up when we see something wrong and if you look on the dollar bill you will see the pyramid is not complete...showing we have not reached our best point and are always striving to be better and improve ourselves.....sitting down and saying "that's it we as good as we're gonna way to go up from here" is treason to the Founders' intentions and American values in my mind.

    I love America, I think it frickin awesome, I personally think it is best country in the world BUT it has some big problems and closing our eyes plugging our ears and stomping on floor screaming "NYAH NYAH NYAH NYAH" is NOT the american way.  We discuss and resolve.  

    So pointing out problems and trying to help solve them is good for America and what real Americans do....that being said pissing+moaning just for the sake of it may be a right but it is also proof of no class.

    Everything in moderation basically

  6. Fear and insecurity.

  7. Careful!  You're going to get blasted for this question.  I'm very blind when it comes to our country but I will try to explain calmly.  

    1. People DIED to give you the right to your opinion.  Not all countries allow their citizens to speak their mind.

    2. We have more freedom than ANY other country.  Admittedly, it will probably be our undoing.

    3. Almost every person alive has had a close friend or relative fight for those freedoms in at least of the last five wars.

    4. Immigrants keep flooding in and we're not really too happy about it when they come here and try to change laws because it's not like home to them.

    5. Our elected officials are there because we put them there.  Granted, they aren't the best we could have done, but look at our other choices at the time.  You never really know someone until you put them in office.

    The ones who are ready to jump on your right now are the ones who know how great it is to live here.  Keep in mind, there are hundreds more immigrants coming in every day.  They thinks it's pretty cool place to be too.

  8. LMAO You're preaching to the choir! Michael Parenti calls it "Superpatriotism":

  9. Sad isn't it. I guess thinking for one's self is looked down on. Seems the Administration would prefer sheep to people. It angered me that those who opposed the war, were painted as anti-American traitors, when in fact they were correct. Remember how badly the Dixie Chicks were treated? Looks like they were RIGHT all along.

  10. You raise some excellent points.  But just because some knuckle draggers call you unpatriotic, don't make the mistake of agreeing with them.  It is precisely BECAUSE you care about America's problems that you ARE a patriot.

    Mark Twain once said, "Each man must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, which course is patriotic and which isn't.  You cannot shirk this and be a man.  To decide against your conviction is to be an unqualified and inexcusable traitor, both to yourself and to your country, let men label you as they may."

    My friend, loving your country and loving your government aren't always the same thing.  Sometimes, it's the opposite.

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