
Why is bra burning a symbol of feminism?

by Guest62896  |  earlier

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How/why is bra burning a symbol of feminism?




  1. I really don't know, since it's actually a myth.

    No feminists have ever held a rally and burned their bras.

  2. It isn't. It's pretty fuc*ing stupid actually since just about every woman wears one.

  3. All young hippy women went braless in those days. For a young woman who is slim it's more comfortable to not wear a bra...for older or fatter is needed. It was just a symbol of freedom from oppression...Doesn't a young braless woman look freer to you?

  4. I think it is sad as those bras would have been put to much better use by being given to a homeless or womens shelter.

  5. Um...I've never used it as a symbol. It's difficult to burn something you need...especially if you have big ****. It's nice to have support.

  6. OMG--why do people bring up issues from 40 years ago?  Are you reading history books?  It was just a symbol of freedom.  Before the seventies bras were more confining and pointy.  Every women was suppose to look the same.  I was always too large on top to burn mine, I did the world a favor and kept it on...This was so, so long ago though.

  7. I think it's just trying to symbolize that the obvious physical differences between genders (like b*****s) aren't really significant.

    I'm not a feminist, though, and I think it's pretty dumb. I mean, I'm sure there are plenty of dudes out there with man bras! : )

  8. I guess a bra is supposed to represent some type of repression of a woman. Wearing a bra holds your busom back so burning it could mean that you don't want to be held back.

  9. A few journalists in the 70's created the bra-burning myth after a few women (who were models hired to do this for a photograph) threw some girdles into a trash can.

  10. Bra burning is not a symbol of anything except stupidity.

    It was only a silly stunt for the TV cameras.

    It was one of those 'slow news' days so the media were prepared to show anything.

  11. Because they're idiots.

    (Honestly though, women did not want to feel their only value was in their sexuality, and so why must they continue having unsaggy b*****s?)

  12. Any naturist will tell you that constant exposure of any part of the body reduces its erotic appeal to nothing.

    The b*****s then cease to be primarily the plaything of men and achieve their main function - to feed babies.

    (I do argue though that there is method in the madness of male breast fixation.  Babies put them through merry h**l, and it is wise for someone to toughen them up a little first!).

  13. Because silly, elongated banana **** is more womanly!! HAHAHA

    Plus they are a huge turn off to men and therefore the males will leave them alone so they can pursue the lonely career of their choosing!!

  14. The bra-burning myth is actually a good example of the way early feminist actions were taken out of context and trivialised in the media, which was then taken up by people as absolute fact.

    Many authorities agree that the 'bra burning' demonstrations NEVER took place, and there has been no verifiable evidence of such a demonstration EVER taking place, but even quite sensible people will assure you it definitely DID.

    Which is why I've included some historical reference links below :-)

    Cheers :-)

  15. The bra was created by a woman!!!

    Here's a fun trivia quiz on bras

  16. A few women threw some pieces of women's clothing into a trash can-but it wasn't burned. They were pointing out that some women's clothing was restrictive-like high heels and girdles. No one was stripping off their clothing and burning it. People at that time burned draft cards. But it was a great way to make feminists look silly and trivialize feminism-so that's what the media did-they said feminists burned bras-they didn't say they threw away high heels that hurt their feet. That wouldn't have made much of a news flash-now would it? Think about how many stupid stories get into the press that are untrue happens every day.

  17. Wendy- It actually did happen at least once.  It wasn't just bras, things like high heels were burned as well, although bras were the main focus for some reason.  I can't remember it exactly, but there was a picture in one of my history books in high school with women's clothes burning in a barrel or trash can.

    Having said all that, this wasn't something that was happening on every other street corner like some people act.

    Anyway, bras and other feminine clothes were seen as symbols of oppression and forced femininity.  It had an image to go along with it as well, unlike books and papers which are easily forgotten.

  18. God! They'd die if they had to wear corsets then!

    If they thought bras were bad, put them in one of those and they'll be begging to wear bras in no time.  

  19. Release from bondage living free like aboriginal tribes. It should be girdle belt, spiked heel, corset, fake nail, fake breast, exposing clothing burning instead.

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