
Why is brady quinn so overrated

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or over hyped whatever

i actually thought and still think that jamarcus russel is better

i mean really, quinn is in those stupid commercials when he hasnt done ****!

if he was a good qb he should of beaten derek for the job when he had the chance, but no

your thoughts?




  1. Brady Quinn iz overrated, he will be a baCKup his whole career since the Browns want Derek Anderson to start.

  2. good question. probably because he was good in college. but he'll never start in the nfl. he sucks.

  3. yea cuz russell did so good last year

  4. If your talkin' about all the hype he got when he left ND, well you might be right, but you can't say he's overrated when you haven't relly seen him play in the NFL, who knows, people didn't think much of Favre when he was in Atlanta either

  5. Quinn is overrated for a couple reasons. One, he is from Notre Dame. So he already is placed on a pedestal before he even plays a game. Two, he is a mystery. Other than the preseason u won't see him in a game unless Anderson gets hurt. Three, he has not had a chance to fail yet. Not saying he will, but as of right now no one knows. And the backup is always loved until he fails. The reason y he is in all these commercials is because he is a pitchman. He is an NFL quarterback with a face and body that his agent wants to make money off. Even if he never plays a down, he will make his $$$

  6. Two words.....Notre Dame.

    They've been looking for the next 'Joe Montana' forever.

    Rick Mirer....Ron Powlus....Brady Quinn.

  7. I totally agree with you!!!  They made Quinn sound like the 'second coming' and he hasn't done anything to deserve it.  He's been really arrogant and comes across like he's entitled to the top spot or at least all the hype.  I think he's got a lot to prove and I don't see him as anything spectacular at this point in his career.  Maybe it's all about his model-esque good looks and marketability???  So far I see it as 'Brady Quinn = Yawn!'

  8. I think he's overrated because he was in Notre Dame, ESPN said he was gonna be good and stuff, but he isn't, I do agree with you that he is overrated and that JaMarcus Russell is better than him

  9. because derek anderson is more overrated

  10. 2 words Notre Dame

  11. It's too early to say he's overrated as he hasn't shown us what he can do in the NFL.

    I think he got the commercial deals based on his looks rather than his talent.

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