
Why is breaking dawn such a let down?

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All my friends were really disappointed by it...don't reveal anything please, just tell me, was it boring, did they talk too much...please don't tell me someone died...I just really want to know why it's so "bad".




  1. I can only tell you why it was bad if you let me spoil it. But it was horrid

  2. because the author cant write

  3. It just seemed to go ON and ON. Stephenie Meyer is not exactly a good plot writer and basically wrote the whole book using details describing various meaningless events. The ending was very disappointing because it was very cliche and dull, and the only emotion I could muster after reading this book was indifference.

  4. THe book was really great and interesting, but once the ending came it was so predictable.

    And it leaves you with too many questions.

  5. I didnt think it was terrible. i will tell you though at the beginning a was kind of mad about a few things but in the end i though it was a good book.


    they have a lil kid;...

  7. if u want to know then watch it

  8. The fans were very dissapointed because they said BD sounded like fanfiction and that it was a horrible endind. They say the ending was anti-climactic and that the book was too innapropriate. Also, Stehphenie Meyer said that "something" was impossible and she went and then it happened anyway. Nobody "important" died.

  9. I read it and thought it was great. Their prolly just sad cause Stepahnie Myer isn't going to make anymore books for the series. I always feel sad after a book or book series I like comes to an end. Or maybe they're expectations were too high.

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