
Why is britain famous?

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I have homework... could you help please? :) Just say why you think britain is famous thanks




  1. It had the largest empire ever in the world until it gave it all back (which has never happened in the history of the world.)

  2. Well... Britain is on every map of the World.... I guess that's one reason!

  3. Why is Britain famous? wow, that deserves a pretty d**n long answer that i can't be bothered to type out so i'll just name a few.

    Music - Most modern music genres originated from the UK, we've had some of the most famous artists throughout history (and even some which came from elsewhere came to England to make a real name for themselves i.e Hendrix)

    Science - So many of the great thinkers of our time have been british, i'll let you do the research on which *cough Newton cough*

    Comedy - Our comedy is the best, especially stand up comedy. 'Nuff said

    Literature - Again, there are hundreds. Most famous is obviously Shakespeare.

    History - We've been on this little rock for thousands and thousands of years. Lots of history and culture on this tiny little rock. Not to mention our Monarchy.

    The British Empire - Drools, we've conquered pretty much every nation on the planet during our reign.

    There's 6 headings i'm sure you could make into a nice essay ;-)

    Britain forever!
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