
Why is britain moaning about zimbabwe?

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britain interfered with zimbabwe got rid of ian smith and helped mugabwe into power.britain interfered in south africa and now its gone right down hill, britain and its sas trained the taliban now they are killing them,britain trained and employed mr bin laden in their inteligegence service now they want him dead,feck me ,who needs enemys when youve got friends like britain




  1. Perhaps because of all the innocent people who are being tortured, starved,raped and murdered.

  2. i couldnt agree with you more. but remember its not Britain. its the British establishment.

  3. Perfidious Albion my friend, it is an old quote.

  4. How  can anyone who calls themselves human beings stand idly by and see a people beaten up and totured so that a psychotic geriatric can remain in power??

  5. Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) was prosperous until Mugabe took over in the mid 90s. Everything was fine and they had a great standard of living.

    I believe the UK should resume Home Rule, send troops and instate a stable, democratic government (with help/support from the US and or S. Africa)

    It's nostalgic yearning for colonial times as well as in this case, doing the right thing. Win-win!

    What about the colonial whites who have been terrorized and their farms and livelihoods destroyed? Does anyone talk about that?? The UK should not turn their backs on them and do owe them a modicum of protection.

    Plus Zimbabwe is rich in natural resources and land. It would be a shame to waste such pristine land and see a civil war in due course.

    And the US is hypocritical and jealous when it comes to territories and such. They have Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, etc. Much more than the UK does! It's ok for the US to have them and not the UK!? Come on now

  6. Weird stuff. So Great Britain is now being blamed for black enfranchisement?

    Who is this enemy of Great Britain that would write such a question?

  7. Who rattled your cage.

  8. Because Britain still thinks they are a colony, SILLY WABBIT!

  9. You are only stating the obvious,and ?

  10. The mess in Zimbabwe has been caused by Robert Mugabe, not Britain.

    Noone here's "moaning" about it, we're just a little anxious that people are starving to death and being tortured.  Unlike you, obviously.

    Plus, as Rommel says, its the British Government who create f**k-ups not the people.

  11. so your for white rule in Africa then? that's the conclusion i draw, either that or it was right to 'interfere' in Africa, and therefore your wrong, which one is it? The UK did some about SA and S.Rhodesia because they are against apartheid, unless you think it's a good idea. Bin laden didn't work for Britain he funded several groups in the Russian invasion. Unless the UK has a glass ball to look into the future, which you clearly have why don't you go down the bookies?

  12. I'm not moaning about Zimbabwe - and frankly I don't give a toss either.  Their problem not mine and what politicians may have said and/or done in the past or even now or in the future, has nothing what-so-ever to do with me or any other member of the Common People of Britain - we just don't give a shite . . . .and that's the truth.

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