
Why is buger fluid coming out through my eyes?

by  |  earlier

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whenever i go to sleep its like bugers are coming out through my eye. my eyes are also bloodshot. what is wrong?




  1. It could be different things: dry eyes, bacterial infection or allergy. The best thing to do is to get checked by an optometrist. Describe to him/her your exact symptoms. They will be able to check your eyes w/ their equipment and diagnose what you have. In the mean time, use some artifical tears, and hope that helps!

  2. you probably have an eye infections under your lid. your lids work to flush out any dirt of bacteria and it all accumulates in the corner of your eye.. in the morning you will notice the most because you have gone a long period without opening your eyes so the bacteria are provided with a better living environment.. ew right? maybe some eye drops are in order.

  3. **no diagnosis**  it could be any of the above, or even a combination of things. i get something simillar to pink eye called conjunctivitse-fighting with that for almost 20 years.

    get to your doctor.

  4. I think you are allergic to something.

    Every time I touched my cat then my eyes would get itchy I and went to sleep I would wake up in the morning and they would be all watery and gross and they would get all boogery lol nice word and my eyes would crust together and get all red and bloodshot. Find out what you are allergic to. If that isn't it then I don't know, you should talk to your doctor.

  5. The eyes and nose are closely connected with a hollow cavity inside.  It could be dust in your room. You may have hayfever. Go to a Doctor to sort it out.

  6. If there's a lot of it, you might have pink eye.

    See a doctor. They'll give you some eyedrops and clear it up.

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