
Why is caffeine legal?

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im doing a study on caffeine for school. i cant find out why caffeine is legal. could someone help me and maybe give me some good website to get information from?




  1. I would be too hard to regulate and too much money is currently being made off of it.  Lobbyist would not allow it.  It is legal for the same reason tobacco is in that requard.  Plus caffeine occurs naturally in many foods that people don't even think about, like chocolate.

  2. Your question itself is backwards. The default position isn't that everything's illegal until OK'd, but that regulation is allowed only when there's a problem, and not always even then. There's really no problem with caffeine, so there's nothing to fix.

  3. There's no real reason why it is legal, because there's no real reason to make it illegal. Everything in this world is ran by money, and if there is no group lobbying to make it illegal, it will remain legal until it is proven it is a public threat or there is a reason to take it out of the public hands.

  4. Because when the gov made all drugs illegal they had to choose between cocaine and caffeine (they're actually really similar)

    they chose to make cocaine illegal because it's easier to regulate and they were making less money off of it at the time.

    Caffeine, not only is in every ting but everyone loves coffee.

    There are actually nations that caffeine is illegal in unless its naturally occurring.

    It actually is illegal in the US to have any kind of caffeine that's not in food, drink, or medication.

    Basically, you can't have caffeine.

    I was watching COPS onetime and this homeless guy had a baggie of caffeine in his pocket and got charged more harshly for that than for the crack rocks he had. It was actually quite amazing. lol

    Some people actually abuse a purified form of caffeine as a drug similar to cocaine.

  5. Caffeine is found naturally in many common foods such as tea, coffee and chocolate. Some religions do ban it.

    Although its effects on the body can be measured, they are not that bad on the body, nor seem to effect another person when one gets too much. There is no real reason to make it illegal.

  6. Well, caffeine doesn't necessarily poise a threat to our healthy wellbeing as do other substances. Plus, it helps get medical students through hard times; thus doing medicine a favor in the end   :P

  7. Because the legislaters and senators said so. As long as they can make money on it they will keep it legal. That seems to be the whole reason things like marijuana isn't legal. Because our government cannot find a way to tax it.
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