
Why is called "X"-mas(Christmas)?

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Of all letters why do they have to change the "Christ" part into a "X"? Its not like Christ is equivalent to X now is it? How why and when did this start?

Just curious, so thanks...




  1. X is a type of cross. X-mas looks better though than t-mas.  

  2. Because the cross is a symbol of christ (christ-mas)...due to him dying on the cross.

  3. it may have something to do with greek letters, like X means christ

  4. Ya why isn't it t-mas t= cross that he was on. Maybe b/c all people don't believe that story. Then again a lot of people think if you put

      x-mas you are saying against christmas.

  5. It's actually an ancient symbol for Christ.  So X does equal Christ; Xmas is Christmas.

    Fundies just like to have something to get upset about.

  6. Laziness!  For the lazy slobs that find it too hard to write it out properly.

  7. cuz it is shorter than writing christmas.

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