
Why is canada helping the U.S with the war (why are our soldiers dying?)?

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how did WE get into this?

wut are WE getting out of this?




  1. Why are your troops there? Because Canada is part of NATO and NATO is who is dealing with Afghanistan right now. What are you doing to get out of it? Nothing at all.

  2. Canada has always been a sore subject with me. First your soilders are helping because Canada is part of Nato, they are dying like everyone else because they are in a combat zone. I do not like the war anymore than you , but what makes canadians any different than anyone else? Canada has always (in my opinion) not helped America when she needed it. But America has helped so many places so many times. I dont claim we are always right, but we are always there. If it were not for America Canada and Mexico would have been taken over by another country long ago.

  3. Soldiers dying? what?  Maybe 0.05-percent are getting killed but it isn't like there is a massacre going on!  And Canada is helping because the feel the urge to be supportive in a just cause situation, help the United States in training the Iraqi Defense Police and get the h**l outta there.  And in Afghanistan, they feel that we need extra manpower to flush out the determined Taliban and Al-Qaeda once and for all!

  4. The U.S. is a NATO country as is Canada. The NATO treaty says if you attack one of our member countries it is the same as attacking us all.

    When the U.S. was attacked by Afghanistan on September 11, 2001, Canada and all other NATO countries had a duty to fight against the attacking country.

    Did you know Osoma Bin-Ladin was part of the  government 2001? Did you know that they the Taliban for years gave safe refuge to terrorists?

    That is why the world, Canada included, must root out the Taliban in Afghanistan. If the world leaves now, the Taliban will once again take over the country.

    In World War 1 and World War 2 far more Canadians died fighting against terrany. Canada was never attacked. They didn't need to go to war, but it was the right thing to do.

  5. I can't answer this but I'm doing this to tell you that just before the first gulf war I was driving around europe and pulled into a service station in germany[I think] and was surprised to see a tremendous amount of military vehicles then was surprised to find they were Canadians now I'm a tall fat unfit man who thought here we go got to Que for ever but your soldiers were charming and let me through and laughed and joked as I in total surprise sort of went through the que in a daydream what a nice group of lads/men they were and a set of perfect ambassadors for Canada

  6. Because the jihadists want to force you to live the way they tell you to also.

    And you know full well that the US is already doubting your reliability as an ally.  The next time you need us for something shouldn't you have given us a reason to help you?

  7. That IS the question, isn't it?

    Just a stab in the dark, but I'd have to say, unless you're a multinational corporation, you're pretty getting nothing out of it.

  8. Very good question to ask however don't you think it would be better directed at your Government?

  9. we are in afghanistan right now because the taliban (aka former afghani government) attacked us (9-11) and canada is part of NATO and NATO is dealing with afghanistan. we are getting justice out of the war. but for the iraqi war, they feel like theyre needed to help end it and sadam was importing yellow cake to make nukes after he committed genocide with chemical bombs against the kurds. they ignored our warnings and advice for them to get rid of it but they didnt which is why we're there.

  10. im sorry what war are you talking about? the US did not create a war nor is or ever has the US acted alone in the war on iraq (if that is the war you are referring to). the US along with other countries went into iraq at the request of the people of that country and the UN to rid those people of a murderous leader whom was slaughtering them. now put yourself in their shoes and tell me if you would appreciate the help of other to stop the murdering government in your country. the US never invaded a country to overtake it but to help the people of that country take back their country and liberties that was stolen away by the government. it is sad that people do not know the truth about this war.

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