
Why is cat litter bad for pregnant woman??

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I been told this by lots of people but I forgot why, I'm 32 weeks pregnant.... Help me out If you know why??




  1. Toxoplasmosis!  

  2. Cats internally carry toxoplasmosis.  It can be very harmful to unborn children as well as sick adults.  Don't change the litter box.  Make your husband do it.  Even dust for the litter can get to you.

  3. toxoplasmosis....that is the main reason why pregnant women shouldn't change a cats soiled litter tray. This is very harmful!! its caused by the protozoa Toxoplasma Gondii and in pregnant women can cause birth defects and in some cases miscarriage. the symptoms are flu-like and most people don't actually realise that they have it. if you can't avoid scrubbing out a cats litter tray then at least wear gloves and if you can a mouth mask. all the best for the last satge of your pregnancy!

  4. It isn't the litter thats bad, it is the risk of the pregnant woman being infected by the bacteria in the cat f***s. Toxoplasmosis, google that. It can cause some serious complications in her pregnancy.

  5. It's not the litter... it's the poo.

    Toxoplasmosis could be inside the cat poo which could cause harm to the developing fetus.  Have the hubby change the litter until the baby is born.  That's what we did.

  6. All your other answers are correct due to toxoplasmosis, but you are also at some risk when handling raw meat life hamburger  

  7. Yes -- stay away from the cat litter if you are pregnant.  My mother had toxoplasmosis when she was pregnant with my twin sisters.  Luckily, they were fine, but it made for a complicated pregnancy (and believe her - twins she thought would have been complicated enough!!)  It is said to cause complications in the brain and eyes of the baby (fetus).

    One of the twins did have to have a lymph-node removed - which I believe was caused by this.  Be careful and take care of your little one!!

  8. its not??

  9. there is a risk of toxoplasmosis from the f***s.  but if you have had your cat a while and it is an indoor cat that doesn't eat raw things (rodents or raw meat etc)  then you shouldn't worry.  you can actually have your cat tested for this and when it comes back negative you have nothing to worry about with cleaning the litter box.

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