
Why is celtic the greatest football team ever?

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Why is celtic the greatest football team ever?




  1. you started a new account to spew that pish????


  2. Only to the brainwashed.

    Rangers hold the world record for league titles won, did you know that ?

    52 is a-coming this season...............


  3. they just are

  4. they are not ! they seem to think that because they have been brainwashed from a young age to ostracise anyone that differs from them selfs and they all believe each others hype BS especially on here

  5. First ask a question that someone can actually answer..

  6. The only celtic(s) I know are the nba team

  7. aye mate if believing that s***e helps you to get through till Sunday then fair play but you're gonna get your **** kicked then but you know that

  8. is this a trick question ????

  9. Because they have the best supporters in the world, unlike the rangers fans who are to put it simply a disgrace to scottish football.

  10. they are only the greatest in half of glasgow (maybe)


    Hearts Are Far Better


    We Could beat you any day


  12. because,how spookies this ,just came in from the pub merry & my new hoops top sitting on the couch for me

  13. their supporters can go anywhere and be welcomed

    only football supporters in the world to get FIFA award for best supporters in the world

    only football supporters in the world to get UEFA award for best supporters in the world

  14. I think u have a typo.

  15. mon the hoops! :)

  16. hahahaha...what planet did you come down from....

  17. ask a decent question celtic greatest ever lmao take the green tinted glassed off lol

  18. lol! xx

  19. are...why ARE

  20. :)

  21. haha very funny

  22. janice only celtic fans ask that question is it because they are low in self-esteem they need to be loved.

    where us bears would never ask" why are rangers fc the greatest team ever"

    cos us bears know wee don`t need to be loved in fact have you heard our song.

    super rangers .no-one likes us we don`t care

  23. i thought the celtics was a basketball team! lol. eh, shows how much i know...ur probably talking about somehting i have no ikdea about anyways,....good luck finding out~!

  24. cos you have somehow erased every other team from your mind

  25. your talking keek,

  26. To "Mr Struth" I don't think you know the type of people that follow the same club as you. Rangers fans think they are superior to everyone else hence "We are the People" It's hilarious. Rangers are not great as they havent won the SPL for 3 years and Celtic have.


    C'mon the Hoops

  27. I think not. Come on the Gers

  28. You've obviously been at the drink quine

  29. Because they inspire dedication,loyalty and skill.

  30. Glasgow Celtic were founded for the finest reason, to bring relief to the poorest people in Glasgow at a time of abject poverty and to give a focal point for the community. Celtic were the people's club, formed by the poor for the poor and there can't be many finer human sentiments than that !!!

    From day one our club was about helping the poorest and it was the poorest that put most in, the stadium was built by these people !!!

    From our earliest days we have been about Faith, Hope and Charity and Religious Tolerence, we were formed by Irish Catholics but the Glasgow Celtic were open to one and all, regardless of class, creed or colour unlike our greatest rivals Glasgow Rangers who never signed a Catholic or a suspected Catholic (ie Danny McGrain) for over 100 yrs !!! I've supported the 'tic since i was 7, followed them since i was 16, I came to Celtic with an open mind as no one pushed me, there are no other Celtic fans in my family and as an atheist i've rejoiced in being a supporter of Celtic with no religious baggage whatsoever, we are a truly multicultural club and for all these reasons, we are truly are the greatest football club ever......Once a Tim, Always a Tim x*x Hail Hail, the Celts are here....x*x

    A thought for Sunday......Tears of joy for every Ghirl and Bhoy x*x Bring on Atilla's hordes !!!

    As Rico so beautifully said we are undoubtedly the best fans in the world as approved by UEFA ...AND FIFA.......OFFICIAL x*x

    The Rangers meanwhile are on the verge of yet another UEFA ban for Sectarian and Fascist behaviour home and abroad which just makes the CELTIC look even better......thanks peeps !!!!  Up the HOOPS x*x

  31. because we have won more SPL's than them,we have been in the last 16 more times than them,and we will beat them this sunday.....easy.

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