
Why is chalk eating dangerous?

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  1. Guest45119

    ^^^ who told you chalk contains carbon monoxide?  Really, chalk is pure calcium carbonate. Eating too much calcium I am sure is harmful. But some people with heart burn and calcium deficiency may find it beneficial I guess. Tums is made with calcium carbonate. I do crave the texture of chalk sometimes,  and sometimes I will eat some good Ole crayola, but I don't eat boxes a day, just a few pieces. 

  2. My friend has been eating chalk and taking laxatives (due to the binding effect of the chalk) she has just been diagnosed with stage 4 kidney failure - and the doc's have said her addiction has caused the problem - so if you eat chalk please get help

  3. i have craving's for chalk all the time and i have acuboard in my house that smells like chalk and it makes me crave it so badly  i used to eat chalk alot but i am trying to cut down but i cant help but crave it so badly help ...... :( i think it just tastes amazing !! <3

  4.  really? I didnt know it inhibits oxygen.

  5. i eat chalk like everytime i get or when i go shopping i make it my duty to buy a box before heading home. even when i visit a classroom i would search for chalk, but now i need to stop and i can, i've tried substituting it for food but i  go back to eating.

  6.  just dont know why but simply cant resist eating it.. its like addiction.. whenever i get the smell of it i cant stop myself..

  7.  can sum1 suggest me ways to avoid it... its just getting uncontrollable..... 

  8.  I love to eat chalk I don't know why but when I smell it or even pass by the store that sell it, like the teachers supply house my mouth starts to water.  I have stopped eating it as much as I did, because I started to eat too much like a box! before I knew it I eat a whole box.  That's when I knew I had to stop.  Plus trying to hide it from my husband started getting to hard.  

  9. Does  anyone know what you can take to help u stop eating chalk

  10. i started eating before 6 months...however i ve tried to reduce the amont of intake cos after having it i became weak,had pain in lower abdomen and also started to loose hair..

  11. Well I got addicted and my mouth gets watery when I think about it

  12. Some people crave the taste of starchy foods. The smell of rain or gasoline can trigger the craving. This is usually corrected by taking iron supplements. Others simply enjoy eating non-food items such as Crayola chalk, corn starch, corn flour, white dirt, and baking powder. Meet others who share the same eating habits. How long have you been eating chalk? What's your favorite starchy food item? What side affects have you experienced? Welcome to the group feel free to share your story.

  13. i dnt kno i once ate a piece of chalk and couldnt stop eatng it!

  14. im not really sure but i think it would be dangerous only if it doesnt say non-toxic on it truthfully i dont think its that harmfull i just think that you ownt be feeling well for alittle while and i ate chalk as a dare and i have killer stomach aches and diahrea soo i just dont think its a good idea....

  15. first of all who eats chalk? If u do u should stop it!! Nothing in chalk is edable!! So don't eat it! It contains carbon-monoxide which is deadly to humans if eaten! It inhibits oxygen from circulating to ur blood vessels.

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