
Why is chile called chile?

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I am referring to why or how Chile got its name. Please help!! Why was Chile named Chile?




  1. it's named after a famous fat flatulent king, who had a great appetite for hot, spicy food...he would always bellow, where in the h**l is the chile!"

  2. What's true is that nobody can say how Chile's name was originated. Most of what is told is simple expeculation and people try to force some logical origin with no luck.

    The name appeared from the corruption of a native word and the spaniards started using the word Chile, but no one is even sure what was the indian word that got corrupted at the time.

    What is known is that TRIH or CHI is a Mapuche name for a bird with yellow spotted wings and maybe that gave origin to the name.

    Some say that the name was given by a group of indians brought by the Inka and they were from a river named Chili. The Chili river runs through Arequipa-Peru

    Other say Chili is in Aymara language and given to describe the region by the Inka Tupac Yupanqui

    There are many more theories so who can say wich one is the real one?

  3. "There are various theories about the origin of the word Chile. According to one theory the Incas of Peru, who had failed to conquer the Araucanians, called the valley of the Aconcagua "Chili" by corruption of the name of a tribal chief ("cacique") called Tili, who ruled the area at the time of the Incan invasion.[12] Another theory points to the similarity of the valley of the Aconcagua with that of the Casma Valley in Peru, where there was a town and valley named Chili.[12] Other theories say Chile may derive its name from the indigenous Mapuche word chilli, which may mean "where the land ends,"[13] "the deepest point of the Earth,"[14] or "sea gulls;"[15] or from the Quechua chin, "cold," or the Aymara tchili, meaning "snow."[16][17] Another meaning attributed to chilli is the onomatopoeic cheele-cheele—the Mapuche imitation of a bird call.[13] The Spanish conquistadors heard about this name from the Incas and the few survivors of Diego de Almagro's first Spanish expedition south from Peru in 1535-36 called themselves the "men of Chilli."[13]"

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