
Why is china so succesful in the olimpic games?

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why is it that china has won so many medals, china always clasifies as the top 3 or atleast since 1996 why?? I need all the reason you can imagine, well explained and everything, I have to so a 1500 words essay obout this topic -why china is so succesful in the olimpic games, maybe economy, population I dont know please HELP




  1. Nearly 25000 full time coaches are dedicated to them. Then, 15924 national athletes were selected based on performance in various national meets. Finally, based on performance in international meet, 3222 elite athletes were selected from among them. The selection and training process is backed by long-term planning and the financial clout of the national govt. There is a whole department called the sports-for. All department devoted to this under the state genl administration of sports, the top body administering sports activity in china. so, the Chinese authority concentrating well and this is the secret of success.

    It has NOTHING to do with communism. Please refrain from that word because it IS NOT China. It is neither a dictatorship/totalitarianism/fascism. The Chinese are free to live; eat; be stinky rich; go out; go in.  There is no definite word for it. But it is a authoritarianism with a tint of socialism and a capitalistic society.

    Also China's big population has to do with it but it is not the core of it. Look at India..they have 3 medals.

    If you don't know the answer and just copying someone's elses ideas of how China work without experiencing or living it; please refrain from answering.  

  2. Maybe it's because they aren't quite as good as the USA, who's NEVER finished out of the top 2 but once. And Even that only happened Once (3rd behind USSR and East Germany) in the HISTORY on the games... that's since 1856. How do you explain that?

  3. China has the largest population on earth.

  4. They have a huge population. A lot of money. And h**l bent on beating the Americans and the rest of the world [but mainly USA] to say China is back and we are going to kick your buttocks.

    China hates America. So. They want to beat them very much, so, in goes millions of dollars towards advanced undetectable drugs.

    But, of course, you can't say that because it is not allowed to be said because that is bad and non-PC and if you say that, then your saying what you think.

    Oh wait! It's a free country, your free to say what you think, baha silly me =)

    But, in the act of helping you, it is just mainly money [millions], population [millions...or is that billions?], determination in showing that China is becoming powerful ummm yeah. And as a person mentioned above, they do train the kids from a very young age.

    And no, I am not American.  

  5. Here's some advice: do the work yourself and firstly learn to write properly.

  6. they have over 1 billion people to pick from.

    when a child is recognized to have talent,  they are sent to training schools for their sport.  they live their lfie ther training under the nations best coaches.  kids like 5 years old are sent to training.

  7. they cheat :p

  8. By its sheer population and discipline on its athletes.

  9. It is a fact that humans love sports, and that's why all of us love to watch the olympics.  Most of us love to participate in sports, and if we were to be given an opportunity to have the best coaches, most of us will gladly undergo the training.  

    To be successful, some basic criteria must be in place:  1) goals, objectives, aspiration of a nation to improve on sporting events;  2)  adequate infrastructure and sporting facilities on a nationwide level to meet the prescribed goals/objectives/aspirations;  3)  availability of world-class or top-notch coaches in the various sports identified for sporting excellence;  4)  availability of potential pool of sportsmen/sportswomen to tap upon;  5)  exposure to international competitions, especially on olympics or world championships level so that benchmarking is possible; 6)  sufficient funds to fund the various programs to mold world-class athletes;  7)  a population that keenly supports the diverse sports events;

    From above, we note that China has been very successful in table-tennis and badminton for many decades because the facilities and space needed for these 2 sporting events are not demanding.  Moreover, building upon her successes in these 2 sports, many top coaches/trainers are developed as a consequence.

    As China becomes more affluent, the ability to put aside more funds to generate a wider interest in other areas of sports and the presence of more and more facilities sprouting all over the country to cater to the diverse needs of Chinese athletes will naturally produce many excellent budding sportsmen/sportswomen.

    30 years ago, the priority of most Chinese might be bread-and-butter issues, and now, many Chinese are relatively well-off and many can even afford to play golf (which is still relatively expensive in China, costing more than US$100 for an 18-hole game).  Furthermore, the successes of many olympics champions (with lucrative offers from advertising, movies, media) will encourage more and more young budding athletes to take up sports, as opposed to the past when the traditional mind-set was to be academically inclined.

    Contrary to what many people like to think, China is a free country.  Some of the top athletes migrated to other countries, because of the huge number of talents there, the opportunity to represent China is almost nil.  For example, the top 3 table-tennis players in the world are Chinese, while the world number 6, 7 and 9 have resided in my country, and won the team's silver medal.  Similarly, we can find Chinese players and coaches in many countries, representing the countries they adopted.  They are free to go anywhere in the world to make a decent living (or to participate in the sport they love so much).

  10. It isn't that mysterious.  They have a larger population.  Also, similar to what the Soviet Union used to do and the East Germans as well, they take athletes away from their families at a young age and train them.  They are particularly emphasizing medal rich sports that Americans are good at (ie. track and field, and swimming).  They know if they can even gain a little ground there it will swing the gold and overall medal count their way.  China knows that Americans will never train in Badminton and Ping Pong.  

  11. china is a communist country with horrific human rights policies. for example, from the age of 3, gymnasts are sent to live in a training compound (away from their families) where they practice every day. they get max 3 days off a year. while our gymnasts practice an obscene and unhealthy amount, they practice more. chinese athletes are forced into perfecting their sport in the name of their country. refusing to do so would have horrific consequences. the chinese government does not allow them to have choices.  

  12. watch this its so ******* cruel!

  13. First to respond to those people who complained about China cheating or China abusing its athletes. Where is the proof? If there's no proof, don't give misleading information. Even if you deduct the medals from the Chinese women's gymnastics team, they would still have significantly more gold than the US. Do you seriously think that China cheated on 20 or more of its gold medals? Give me a break. Also, the government does not force children to become athletes. Their parents might pressure their children to be athletes if that's their only way out of poverty. Think about it. Would you rather the kid live a life of poverty or train hard from an early age to become an Olympian?

    China is so successful this time around because the Olympics is held in their country giving extra motivation to the athletes. Also, China has been preparing for this Olympics by training athletes in sports in which they have a good chance to get golds. third, there are 1.3 billion people in China and the government looks for potential athletes when the athletes are still children which increases the talent pool. Fourth, if you look at China's Olympic history, you can see that they have been slowly increasing their gold medal and total medal count over the years. They were second to the US at Athens

    Edit: so it's not that shocking that they overtook the US. Finally, the Chinese people have been called the "sick man of the east" for a long time while they were being bullied by the Japanese and the western nations. What better way to show that they are not weak than by producing Olympians?

    Edit: And I agree that you should do your own homework and learn how to write in the process. You think we're all here to be your tutor or something. Tutors cost money.

  14. Basically, they are willing to sacrifice their entire lives just to get that gold.

    In the west, nobody is willing to give up as much for a shot at gold. Everybody has to have several coals in the fire, otherwise, they might end up with no life at all if they fail.

  15. China are so succesful in the olympic Games because they have the largest poppulation on earth. This mans that they can choose out of more than 1,321,851,888 people. They also start training from a very young age. They are taken to some 'National Gymnastics academy' at the age of four and are doing backflips before they can read!

    The chinese are also a very small race. This makes them naturally talented at Gymnastics, Diving and Running in General. The Chinese Spend their whole lives training and are determined to win gold.

    Another factor is than the Chinese Goverment spends alot of money on training children for the Olympics. If you have ever read

    'Mao's Last dancer' by Li Cunxin, you would see how the Goverment at the time chose Children to study Ballet just after they had started school!

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