
Why is chinese food in america not authentic?

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my dad has a friend from china, we went at his house to eat dinner, the food we ate there was very different from what they give at panda express, I think that they should serve authentic chinese instead of american imitations. Even though the american imitation tastes better, the authentic is probably more healthy




  1. I think all countries have their own version of Chinese food, suited to their tastes.

  2. "Chinese food" in the US has been continually adapted based on locally available ingredients (at first) and the preferences of restaurant customers. If you think it tastes "better", that's an opinion based on your familiarity to it and unfamiliarity with authentic Chinese food.

    There are many different Chinese cuisines and within each a multitude of dishes. Many dishes are healthy, many are less healthy and should be eaten only in moderation. Many Chinese dishes would never be popular in this country, based on the food preferences of Americans.

    Restaurants are in the business to make money. They serve what people want to or are willing to eat.

    One way to make purple eggs is to put hard boiled eggs in a jar of pickled beet liquid. The Amish call that "red beet eggs". Ask for the recipe if you're interested in how your father's friend's family makes it.

    As far as language goes, there is nobody in charge. People use words and phrases to mean what they want and expect them to mean.

    Everybody knows that "Chinese food" means both the food served here and food served back in China. Therefore, that's what we say. You yourself used the term "authentic" when you wanted to mean something a little different.

    Restaurants used to call themselves "Chinese-American" back when it was less fashionable to be authentic. Back then authenticity would have scared away customers. Now they simply call themselves "Chinese cuisine" or "Szechwan" or whatever, even though generally the food is no more authentic or recognizable to Chinese people raised in China. Or maybe even to Chinese-American people who eat in what they consider to be the traditional way.

  3. Unfortunately my experience is different from yours, so I beg to disagree.

    Actually outside China, the food is much better because we have better major ingredients here.

    Authenticity depends on what restaurant you go. Panda Express is a wrong restaurant to find authenticity.  Its like going to Mac Donald and expect the best American cuisine!!

    This is my advise to you: next time you go to a big cities, go to their China Town. Find the restaurant where most of the local Chinese go and eat there.  But let me forewarned you, taste is a matter of what you had been exposed to and your flexibility to try and explore new taste.

    Also if you are somewhere in British Columbia, try the Chinese restaurants in Richmond.  Best Chinese foods outside China and personally I think it's better than in China itself, which I have traveled extensively!!

  4. American Chinese food tastes 'better' to Americans due to their preferences for more sugar & salt and more deep-fried stuff. It's not uncommon to hear some Americans saying they far prefer Americanised versions despite having 'tasted' authentic Chinese food. But the Chinese & other Asians will likely puke at American Chinese food. One man's meat is indeed another man's poison.

    American Chinese restaurants are in the business of making money. It makes no sense at all to them to provide authentic Asian food if their primary customers dislike it. They are not about to mess with a winning formula just to uphold any cultural & culinary integrity.

    But Americans & other Westerners should be more open-minded about authentic ethnic tastes and certainly eating authentic Asian food is way healthier. Perhaps some Americans had tasted certain home-cooked Chinese dishes & thought it too bland for their taste. And many Americans can't stand tofu. But they have barely made a scratch on the tip of the iceberg.

    Many who have ventured to Asia and tasted the real good stuff are blown away by the experience, never in their wildest dreams have they tasted such delicious Chinese & Asian cuisines. Even the much maligned tofu is a real taste treat in Asia.

    Americans should stop being like the proverbial frog in the well food-wise. A common perception is Americans seek out the nearest McDonalds & other American fastfood joints outside the USA, or just order room service. The locals will scratch their heads & wonder, "You're in a gourmet paradise & all you want is a hamburger that tastes of cardboard???"

  5. You answered your own question. The chinese food has been modified for American tastes so it will sell better.

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